Less than 20 Days Left: How Not to Go Crazy

Image result for the end is near
So, the title is more of a question...because I don't really know how not to go crazy when the end of my sophomore year of college is so close and yet so far away. I don't know about you, but I have 18 days, 2 hours, 18 minutes, and 30 seconds left until I get to load up Bambi and say sayonara to this campus. And 12 of those are class days. 2 of those are exam days. The rest are free and weekend days. AGHHHHHHH. I wrote down all the assignments and school-related things I have to do before the end of the semester, and it only took up one page! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Needless to say, it is very hard to keep any semblance of motivation when you have realized that you could probably fail all the rest of your assignments and tests and still pass all your classes. Also the weather is finally warming up (though still not enough to suit me), which makes it even harder to concentrate.

I already packed up and took home a large portion of the stuff in my dorm, which just sparked the itch to take home all the rest, or at least pack it up. But I know if I take down my posters and stuff I'll just be stuck living in a bland prison-like unit for two weeks, and that would just be depressing.

Image result for the end is nearI've been like obsessively checking the calendar, counting down how many days are left, planning out everything I have to do for these last weeks, imagining what it will feel like when it's all over and I get to go home. Can you tell I'm excited?

This has been a really good school year, to be honest. I got a lot of spectacular opportunities and kindled some really amazing friendships that I'm sure will continue for the rest of my college career. BUT at the end of the day, it's still SCHOOL and I'm still SICK OF IT and ready to go HOME.

Anyway, the title of this post is incredibly misleading because I have no idea how not to go crazy with less than 20 days left of school because I absolutely AM going crazy. But it still felt good to write that all out.

I wish you all the best with your last weeks of school too. Finish strong! Or, at least...finish.



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