How to Make the Best of Any Situation

     The thing about living in a dorm with mostly freshmen is that freshmen still haven't figured out how to use microwaves. In specific, they haven't figured out how to microwave popcorn. Which means that I've suffered through many a fire alarm at inconvenient times. Today marked probably the seventh fire drill/evacuation I've endured over the last two years and I've finally learned to take my time getting ready and prepare for the next 15 minutes of being locked out, to the point that I grab a book to read and my wallet so that I can buy cookies at Insomnia next door. I've learned that you have two options in life: you can stand out in the cold, shivering and cursing the person who has yet to realize that popcorn doesn't take five minutes to pop, or you can go inside, stay warm, eat some cookies, and read a book.
     It's been said before, but we can't control a lot of the things that happen to us... All we can do is control how we react. And sometimes there's just no reason to get overly upset!! Sometimes you just gotta take a deep breath and eat something sweet. :)

-SE Wagner


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