Finals Week!

     I am not one to get too stressed out about final exams...I kind of operate under an "I know what I know and I ain't gonna learn nothin' new by studying what I already learned" philosophy, and I'm a pretty good test taker, strategically speaking. But I'll tell you what: I want to get out here just as much as everyone else does. And you know why?? BECAUSE I MISS MY FAMILY AND I WANT IT TO FEEL LIKE CHRISTMAS ALREADY.
     When it snowed the other day, that was really magical and all, but it just made me pine for home even more than I already was. What's more beautiful than snow on a lush, academic college campus? Snow on the cozy, inviting roof of my own home.
     My own mom said it doesn't feel like Christmas until I get home, and I feel the same way. Sure my Christmas shopping is already out of the way and I'm basically done wrapping everything and I've worn the occasional Christmas themed sock and painted a cute Christmas penguin with my roomie. But all of those things still just feel like anticipation of the REAL DEAL when I get home for good and go out and pick a Christmas tree from the sketchy place up in the mountains that has become a National Lampoon-esque tradition within my family. It won't feel like the real deal until I'm snug on my couch watching Eloise at Christmastime for the millionth time whilst everyone else is sleeping and the house is warm from the woodstove. It won't feel like the real deal until it's two days before Christmas and Dad and I are out marathon shopping for my mom together. I CAN'T WAIT for all that stuff! And being trapped here for the next three days feels like absolute torture.
     I know it'll be over soon enough, but for now I am wallowing in self pity and intense desire to just LEAVE ALREADY!
     I shall end on that angsty, bratty tone. Have a great day and good luck to everyone on their finals!



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