Why Summer Blogging Is So Stinking Hard

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What I wish I was doing...
There was a time when I would get home from school everyday, excited to sit down in the ratty desk chair in my Dad's office and plunk out a blog post on the desk top computer. It didn't matter if I had anything in particular to say, I would just sit down, start typing, and wait for inspiration to catch up with me. That was back in high school, when everyday something at least semi-interesting would happen in the hallways of Smithsburg High and I wrote about it whether it was actually significant or not. There was a distinct lack of busyness back in those days, and how I longed for that feeling of few responsibilities throughout my first year of college.
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What I've actually been doing. 
     Then finally, summer arrived. Summer is unique in that it is busy in a completely different way from the rest of the year. It's like there are things to do and people to see and hobbies to catch up on before you have to put it all to rest again when school starts up in the fall. And as I'm navigating all of summer's glorious happenings-- going places with friends, reading books again for the first time in too long, cleaning the house, regaining my driving legs, etc.-- there's a part of me that just doesn't want to even look at my laptop. My laptop is associated with school work and adult responsibilities like emails and online bank statements and ordering textbooks. I really just want to pack up my laptop in it's bag and stuff it in the closet until August. Because of this, I've been having a very hard time bringing myself to blog. I have ideas-- I always have ideas, I'm an ideas girl. But actually bringing those ideas to fruition in a blog post? I don't know why but I'm just have a hard time with that. So forgive me for my few and far between blog posts this summer. I'm just out of rhythm. In fact, I think I have writer's block, which is not a fun thing to have in the summer because it's the season when I finally have TIME to write! It's so annoying.
     Anyway, just wanted to sit down and write a quick note about that. Hopefully my dread of my laptop and my writer's block subsides, and preferably in a day or two (haha yeah that's gonna happen).



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