Am I In Deep Creek Yet?

This is the first time that I've sat down to relax in a while.
I finally took a shower after two days.
I'm surprised that I can form sentences right now because I've been typing for about two days straight now.
Next week is my aunt's wedding in Deep Creek, which means a five day vacation and I could not be excited. The problem is when you're in the middle of the woods you have terrible WiFi. This means that I won't be able to access my online classes. So...I'm trying to cram two weeks worth of work into five days. In the beginning I was optimistic and now I'm dying. I've taken four quizzes, two tests, another test on Monday, multitudes of worksheet, read chapters of textbooks and online discussions. I wish that I could say that I was done but I'm not. Oh my god, how am I not done?
Then, of course there is something wrong with my toe. I won't go into details but it's disgusting and so on top of all the work I have to go to the foot doctor on Wednesday (the day we leave...of course). Last night I started bawling from a mix of exhaustion, stress and pain. My toe hurt so much and I honestly didn't know how I was going to do anything. It was going to happen sooner or least I got the crying out of the way.
For some reason I thought that it would be a good idea to agree to go to a amusement park two weeks ago because I'm a genius.
I'm taking a break tonight that I probably can't afford but I will lose my mind if I don't. I will finish this book tonight, even if it kills me. At least I won't have to take that test.
If you're wondering how I've survived this far...

1. Tea, I think I've drank two cups of tea everyday for the past three days.
2. Beauty and the Beast soundtrack and movie
3. These videos

These are definitely less distracting than regular music

4. This movie

Thank you Sid for finally pushing me to watch it

5. Walmart

I've gone to Walmart two times with no purpose. Is it a good idea? Probably not. Does it keep me sane? Yes.

Pray for me.


P.S. My tea is cold now


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