I Am Depressed Today

This is one of the most perfect videos I have ever seen. I have never watched a video that so accurately explains depression. It is so brave to sit down and make yourself vulnerable through talking about your mental illness.
This is essentially how I feel today.
I woke up this morning and I felt great. Wednesday are one of my days off and I cherish it more than you will ever know. I always try to do something on Wednesday whether that's seeing a movie or going to the library to read. I didn't do that this today. I woke up this morning and felt great. I got out of bed, danced around the house, woke up my dog and took Polaroids of the sky, I felt fantastic. I haven't felt like this for a while and it felt as if I was flying.
Then the end of the day hit me and I crashed.
Unfortunately, I didn't do my homework this morning and I have to do it now. I'm taking a human service class this semester and it is emotionally demanding. We started to talk about what we would in difficult situations as a social worker. I essentially had to write about molestation of children by parents. I can't bring myself to do it whatsoever. That's the thing about depression, you feel like you can't do anything. Everything feels like a challenge.
I'm sharing this video and my thoughts because I know that there is someone who is feeling the same way. They might somehow stumble upon this and know their not alone. That's why I talk about mental illness. I know that this is temporary and I might feel better tomorrow. I know that things are going to get better even if I don't believe it today.


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