- Suspense.
- Complex characters.
- Major character development.
- Diversity.
- Promising love interests.
- Makes you think.
- Keeps you guessing.
- Makes you sad when you realize there are only eight episodes.
Here's the IMDb synopsis: A thriller set in a world sharply divided between progress and devastation, where people are given the chance to make it to the "better side" but only 3% of the candidates succeed. Well that was a crappy synopsis, but I'm afraid to look any deeper and come across spoilers. This isn't the kind of show I want to be spoiled. Here's my synopsis: The show takes place in sub-equatorial South America (basically Brazil, so the show is in Portuguese with subtitles) and there are two worlds: the haves and the have-nots. In order for a "have-not" to become a "have" and go to the "Offshore" which is basically like the Promise Land, at the age of twenty he's given the opportunity to partake in the "Process" which is a series of tests that deem one eligible or ineligible to go to the Offshore. As stated in the synopsis, only 3% of the candidates make it through. It is a little bit dark, but that's the nature of dystopia. Anyway, if you need a break from studying for finals or just a break in general, I highly recommend this show. It'll make your problems feel fairly insignificant.
Day 1106 Song Recommendation: "Elijah" by Matthew and the Atlas.
Day 1107 Song Recommendation: "Burn" by Branches.
-SE Wagner
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