
Image result for 3% netflix     While on Netflix today I stumbled across a Netflix Original Series called 3%. I'd seen the trailer for it but had thought that it was a movie and not a TV show. Anyway, I decided to watch the first episode. I watched the first two minutes or so and then jumped to like halfway through the episode and started watching from there. I was hooked, to say the least, and watched another episode after that, and then went back and watched what I'd missed from the first episode. I know that sounds like a dumb way to watch a TV show, but like DL mentioned earlier, I wanted to see if it was worth investing my time in. And it totally is! It has all the aspects of a promising TV show:

  1. Suspense.
  2. Complex characters.
  3. Major character development.
  4. Diversity.
  5. Promising love interests.
  6. Makes you think.
  7. Keeps you guessing.
  8. Makes you sad when you realize there are only eight episodes.
     Here's the IMDb synopsis: A thriller set in a world sharply divided between progress and devastation, where people are given the chance to make it to the "better side" but only 3% of the candidates succeed. Well that was a crappy synopsis, but I'm afraid to look any deeper and come across spoilers. This isn't the kind of show I want to be spoiled. Here's my synopsis: The show takes place in sub-equatorial South America (basically Brazil, so the show is in Portuguese with subtitles) and there are two worlds: the haves and the have-nots. In order for a "have-not" to become a "have" and go to the "Offshore" which is basically like the Promise Land, at the age of twenty he's given the opportunity to partake in the "Process" which is a series of tests that deem one eligible or ineligible to go to the Offshore. As stated in the synopsis, only 3% of the candidates make it through. It is a little bit dark, but that's the nature of dystopia. Anyway, if you need a break from studying for finals or just a break in general, I highly recommend this show. It'll make your problems feel fairly insignificant.

Day 1106 Song Recommendation: "Elijah" by Matthew and the Atlas.
Day 1107 Song Recommendation: "Burn" by Branches.

-SE Wagner


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