Thank God For Friends

This has been a very emotional week. How many times am I going to write that? How many times is that going to be the beginning of a post? Probably a hundred more times. This week I was sitting in the cafeteria and I got upset. I have no idea why I got upset but I did. I missed my friends, I missed not having homework all the time, I missed being able to read whenever I wanted. The list goes on and on. I couldn't focus hard enough to do any work. So I pulled out my journal and started scribbling down thoughts. Whenever I write about what I'm actually feeling I stop writing. I tell myself that my older self doesn't want to read that. As if I know what my older self wants to read. I think my older self would want to read what I was actually feeling and not lies. So I kept writing. Eventually I asked God what he was doing. What was his plan exactly? Obviously I never got an answer. Then on Thursday Fiona texted me and told me she was coming home. I didn't believe her, I thought it was a joke. Turns out she was not joking.
I don't think that I'll ever get tired of my friends coming home. Ever. There will always be that joy, that giddy feeling. I had class yesterday morning and all I could think about was when it was going to end. I wanted to see Fiona that bad. It was just like old times. Me driving to her house, Fiona being late and running out of the house with wet hair. We went back to my house, watched the Office, ate lunch and then headed out to Walmart. I know that sounds like a boring/normal day. It was perfect though. We wandered around Walmart picked up books, stickers and almost a Brittany Spears CD. That was Fiona and I told her not to buy it. Does Brittany Spears still sing?
After Walmart we ended up in my elementary school parking lot. Then we just sat there and talked. I can't even begin to tell you how much I missed that. Being able to spill your guts out with someone. We cried, we hugged and we laughed. Meanwhile people were staring at us as they passed us by. We facetimed Sid and I realized he hasn't changed. It's still his life goal to annoy me. It was obnoxious but also somewhat comforting.
After facetiming we took pictures and tried to stretch the time that we had together.

This was the spot where we almost called 911. I thought someone was stalking us after seeing a movie. It was Sid. I was beyond furious. Now this spot has a special place in my heart.

Oh my gosh. 

Saying goodbye was beyond hard. I knew that I wasn't going to see her until Thanksgiving. My heart felt full. Goodbye's suck even if they're only for a little while. Did I cry on the way home? I think we all know the answer to that. I didn't have time to cry for long because I had to go to my other friends house. It was Olivia's first homecoming. Talk about a bittersweet day. The place that we took pictures at was the same place we took prom pictures junior year. It was weird to see other people taking pictures. It brought back some memories
How did this happen? I'm old. At least I'm skinnier now.

When I got home it was a little sad. But then I realized how blessed I was to have my friends. I could have no friends. Would I rather be sad and have friends? Yes, absolutely. I would pick that option any day. I love my friends more than anything. College is a huge reminder of that. Fiona coming home made me realize how much we needed to be apart. I needed to know that distance wouldn't break our friendship. If anything it's strengthened it. Even if she can't remember my birthday. No, I don't see or talk to her everyday and that's okay. That doesn't kill a friendship. It's obvious that we still care about each other and that's what keeps our friendship alive. I watch other high school friendships dying and it makes me sad. Did they have a good friendship? Were they good to each other? I don't know. I'm so glad that I don't have to worry about that. 



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