People Change

Today was an unexpectedly fun day. My cousin texted me and said she was home from Virginia. She asked if my mom and I wanted to go get lunch. For some reason I was super hyped to get out of the house. We ended up going to Buffalo Wild Wings. I hadn't seen my cousin since August which was beyond weird. We were pretty close growing up, we went to the community college together etc. She was different from the way she used to be. It's the weirdest thing seeing someone you've known your whole life change. I think if we were 'friends' we would have grown apart eventually. That was rough to think about. Was it me that changed or her? Maybe both? I don't think I've changed since college started. Maybe I was exaggerating but it felt like she changed. Then I started thinking about my other friends and what would happen to us. I couldn't help it. It somehow seemed to stay in the back of my mind.
 Regardless it was nice to see her and my aunt. After lunch we realized our car is basically on it's last leg. That's a whole different story though. We stopped at Hobby Lobby on the way home. For some reason I have been journaling like crazy.

 So I wanted to get stickers and other supplies. (AKA Christmas stuff). While I was roaming the sticker aisle I stumbled upon this...

Ever see a girl cry in Hobby Lobby? I was that girl. It was the most random assortment of stickers and I see the elephants. It was right in front of me. I would have never seen it if it wasn't. Swag, for some reason is obsessed with elephants. So when I saw the elephants I immediately thought of Swag. It was a God moment. It was God telling me that everything was going to be okay. That even though we view change as bad it's not always bad. Change is necessary in life. It may mean that we lose touch with people. That's okay. We can't stay friends with every friend we've ever had. But seeing those elephants felt good.


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