Mistakes Were Made

This is real life.

Right now I'm exhausted.
I got cellulitis, failed a test, my review mirror fell off etc.
I thought that a trip to the hair salon was going to be the relaxing part of my week. Not. For some reason I thought it was a good idea to have a hair appointment at 7:00 PM. On a Friday night. The place was packed and I was trying not to fall asleep. I'm basically useless at 7:30 at night.
I've never been good at getting my haircut. The fact that it's supposed to be a relaxing experience makes it not relaxing. Every time while I get my hair wash my whole body is tense. Someone once told me to relax my neck and I didn't know what to do. I think I tensed up even more.
Also I can't ever convey to my hairstylist what I want. I have no idea what I'm talking about. All I know is that I want a trim. It was even worse because it was coming to eight at night. I told her I wanted a trim and she started asking questions. Eventually I just said, "Do what you want." I really didn't care by that point. I just wanted a to get out of there. I wasn't going to ask a bunch of questions. Whenever she asked a question I just said 'yes'. She went for it. Hair was going in every direction. When I looked down I saw a pile of hair in my lap. She still wasn't done. The first thing I thought was, "I must look like a boy." I don't know why that was my first thought.
Find a hairstylist you can trust. It will always work in your favor. It was exactly what I wanted. After four times we had finally gotten it right. I hope she never forgets what it looked like. I certainly will. Then she took a gel and started putting it through my hair. It was amazing.
Eventually she asked if I wanted the gel. I immediately said yes. It all happened so fast and I didn't know what was going on. I was tired and wanted to go home. I had no idea that the gel was $25. With that added onto the haircut that was a lot of money. I felt like Frankie Heck when she spent $200 on face cream. I know that's a big difference but still. My eye was twitching the whole way home. When I got home all I could do was laugh. What else are you supposed to do?
I guess the one good thing about this week was getting a good haircut.
Now onto homework.
Please pray for me.


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