Diary of a Working Girl

     I will never complain about my food taking a long time to get to me at a restaurant again. And neither should you! Because after working what seems like a measly three hour shift, I can tell you right now that THERE IS ONLY SO FAST YOU CAN GO WHEN MAKING SANDWICHES. Especially when every single person and their brother wants their beloved sandwich TOASTED. Like, first of all, it's way too hot outside to be dealing with a HOT sandwich, so Imma pass on that one, second of all, definitely don't get mad when I take a long time to ready your beautiful toasted sandwich because every single sandwich that needs toasted takes its own individual 45 seconds and nothing else can be done until those 45 seconds are up. Now, a cold sandwich, I can have that baby into your greedily waiting hands in 45 seconds TOTAL, which would probably make you much more happy. But when I'm standing there at the toaster oven, impatiently tapping my foot with my hand on the handle waiting to yank out your sandwich as fast as humanly possible when the buzzer goes off, I'm not just standing there being LAZY. I just literally can't go onto the next sandwich because I can't toast another one until the first one is done toasting!! Make sense? Good. Now let's talk about smoothies. I'm sorry that you're allergic to bananas. But wouldn't it make sense to simply order a smoothie that doesn't include bananas?? Instead of coming up to me mid smoothie construction and informing me of your nanner intolerance? I mean obviously I don't want you to die, so I'll make you a sans banana smoothie, but I literally just started and smoothie making is complicated enough as it is without having to do specialized orders.
     Okay, that's my rant session. Now, moving on.
      It really wasn't so bad. I actually kinda like feeling useful. And I far preferred the times when I was in over my head busy to the times when I was standing there trying to think of some menial task to do so I don't look like I'm not working. I guess I get that from years of my dad checking randomly on my "productiveness". Also, the experience was delightfully mind numbing. There came a point where it was like "My brain exists for nothing else except for constructing sandwiches." There's a certain freedom in that. Because then it was like I couldn't stress about my classes, I couldn't be homesick, I couldn't be bored and want to check my phone, I couldn't worry about my audition for Orchestra (which is in less than an hour EEK). I could only worry about remembering to put the buffalo sauce on the chicken sandwich after it came out of the toaster oven, or adding not one but TWO scoops of protein powder to the smoothie (which, by the way, kinda makes me not want to buy a smoothie...like don't just pump me full of protein powder! Give me some real protein!) Also, the people were really nice. Nobody yelled at me when I messed up, which was a couple times. Nobody rolled their eyes when I asked dumb questions. Nobody acted like they didn't trust me. And honestly, nobody really complained about the food taking a long time either. One girl came up and was like "Um, I was just wondering if my ticket went through?" and I was like "Yeah it's up there, sorry, we're just really busy" and she was like "Oh, sorry, it's fine!" and I overheard this other guy say "I've been here for a long time" to one of his friends, but whatever buddy, so has everyone else so cool it. But other than that, people were lovingly gracious. And several people asked me questions I didn't know the answer to, but I guess that means I kinda looked like I knew what I was doing?? Idk. Also, I get FREE FOOD. This is exciting, sure, but normally I wouldn't be THAT excited. But free food means that much less money I have to spend of my dining dollars, which means that much MORE money I have to roll over to next semester, which means that much LESS money I have to pay on my bill next semester. Plus I'm also getting paid! So it's kinda like getting paid extra! I ain't complaining.
      I almost said that nothing else exciting happened to me today, but that's not actually true! My classes started today, and they both went swimmingly and I think I'll like them both. If you know anything about me, I'm not exactly the "I WANT A RING BY SPRING AND A FAMILY OF FIVE AND I CAN'T WAIT TO EXPERIENCE THE JOYS OF PREGNANCY AND I WANT A HUSBAND TO PROTECT ME" type. I'm more the "I will not actively pursue a romantic relationship because I don't need a man, but if a cute one happens to come along and I like him well enough, I might consider allowing him to try to win me over. And I want to adopt but someday in the very far future, but no more than two kids and NUH UGH to pregnancy" type. So I was a little wary for my Foundations of Marriage and Family Class, for obvious reasons. I assumed all the people in that class would be Wannabe Housewives, but, as per usual, my assumption was incorrect. In fact, not a girl, but a guy, sat next to me, and he's majoring in the Human Development and Family Sciences field not to become a housewife, but to become a school counselor! Which I thought was pretty cool. His name was Kingsley and he was super nice, and me, him and two other girls got put together as a "family" to work on a project. I think we might be a "family" for the semester but I'm not sure...anyway, the class actually seems way different and way more interesting than I had given it credit for in my mind. We have to do a project this semester where we collect stories from our family members and compile them into an anthology of sorts. IF THAT'S NOT RIGHT UP MY ALLY I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS. My other class was Fundamentals of Oral Communication, and since I have no qualms about public speaking, I think I'll be okay with the speeches we have to do. Plus, the professor is this middle aged guy who seems like he'd be a bore fest, and maybe even mean, but he's actually really nice and funny, just in a super dry-humored way. He showed us the "We're All in this Together" music video from High School Musical, so I mean, he has to be a little bit fun, right?
     I guess that's it. I have to leave for my audition in like ten minutes, so wish me luck! Sorry I don't have any interesting pictures today. You're stuck with words.



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