I think I'm developing a major case of senioritis depression. I'm both incredibly lazy and apathetic as well as unwilling to do absolutely anything but sit on the couch and eat junk food while watching low-budget indie movies on Netflix. Sigh.
Also, while I was doing my song cataloging yesterday (which involves me listing every song I've ever recommended on slips of scrap paper) I got to day 856 and realized that I have two day 856s...so now I have to go back and change over forty numbers. I can't think of anything I'd rather be doing.
All done. It wasn't so bad. I've done it multiple times before so I've kind of created a system. And now I'm up to 19 pieces of scrap paper. I really need a better, less antiquated catalogue.
Here's the post I started this morning in creative writing:
Senioritis has hit a new level of laziness. I didn’t get up this morning until 8:12 because I a) turned my alarm off and b) fell back to sleep and had a dream that my teeth were falling out of my head. There was a lot of rushing around but I got to school right as my math teacher was taking attendance so I wasn’t marked late. It took the next ten minutes for me to catch my breath after running up the hill. So out of shape.
Except if you do that it won't ever be over because they won't let you graduate, dummy.
Good thing I wasn’t marked tardy because my parents are away and they left me and my brother home alone and there’s no reason to make them think I’m not a responsible adult ready for college...even if I am completely not a responsible adult ready for college. It’s all about the illusion. I have a feeling I will be showing up to class in my pajamas at least once next year, with toothpaste stains on my shirt and my hair sticking up in a million directions. I mean, I hope not. That would be mortifying. But sometimes you just can’t anticipate how riveting your dreams will be. My teeth were falling out of my head! I needed to find out why and I was about to but then my subconscious was like “Hold on, don’t you have something you should be doing? Like waking up? Taking a shower? Getting in your car? Driving to school???” Now I’m in creative writing writing this blog post on Google Docs because Papersol is blocked on the school wifi. I’m supposed to be working on my short story based on a photo but I’ve become a bit uninspired by that. These last few paragraphs are the most I’ve written in this class in this amount of time for the last few weeks. I like the class in that we can do whatever we want but I need a little more structure in order to get stuff done. “Work on anything” is just a little overwhelming. But hey, writing blog posts is anything so I guess I’m fulfilling my duties. Another thing is that we obviously have to share whatever we write in order to get credit for it and I can’t very well share stuff like this so I have to write stuff with the people in my class in mind and write stuff that I wouldn’t be embarrassed to share with them.
Tomorrow is the AP Lang exam and I don’t know how I’m going to muster enough Caring Juice to write three essays. I’ll find a way, I suppose. Worst comes to worst I’ll write the AP Exam Scorers some blog posts. Maybe they’ll feel bad and give me a few points.
We have 13 more days of school. 13. That is all. How is that all?
Why are the best songs always the shortest?
____________ The low-budget indie movie I watched today was called Ashby and it was pretty good. I like Nat Wolff and Emma Roberts as actors. They were good together. Here's the trailer:
Day 899 Song Recommendation: "Start to Begin" by The Brevet. The music video makes it look like the movie is about football, but it really wasn't.
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