Humble & Kind

I've been avoiding getting emotional all week. I thought I would be crying everyday, writing in my journal about the memories etc. and I haven't. I got sick on Monday because I always get sick the last week of school at some point. So the past two days I have been in a total haze. I've been laying in bed, sneezing my brains out and binge watching YouTube videos. If it was any other week I would have stayed home but it is the last week of school and there is so much going on. Then last night I ran out of NyQuil and lost all my blistex. Even though I didn't really want to I had to go to Walmart. Whenever I get to a store I always go to the book section. Even if I know that there is nothing new there I go just to make sure. In the beginning of the week I knew that I wanted to get Mrs. M a gift because she has been a very special teacher to me. She's one of those teachers that you don't have twice and I am so grateful that I was able to have her as a teacher twice. As I said I was in the book section and saw this book.

Humble and Kind is one of my favorite songs. This song is a great example of why I love country music. I am not a huge fan of the newer country music but this song reminds me of the music that I listened to as a child. When I saw it I immediately thought about Mrs. M's baby boy. I am way to excited about this baby but I don't think anyone is surprised by that. I love babies. This song is a perfect lesson for anyone. The lyrics perfect. When I got home and took some medicine and relaxed. I started looking through the book and I got emotional. The pictures and the words got to me. Here's some of my favorites.
I can't handle this.

This one really made me tear up.

As well as this one.

Oh my goodness this picture.

Needless to say I love this book. I can't think of a better lesson to teach someone. In this crazy world we need to learn to be kind to one another. We need to learn to be humble. It's a lesson that I wish that I would have learned sooner. We are not the same as we were freshman year. Thank God for that. I can't believe that we have two days left of high school. I didn't love high school but it is really all I have known for the past four years. It's comfortable, it's all I've known for the past four years. Next year is going to be different. We are all entering a new season of life and that is something that we should embrace. No matter how hard it is. It's going to happen regardless. This week I am going to enjoy life as much as possible and I am going to try to remember this lesson.
I hope Mrs.'s M baby boy enjoy's this book and song as much as I have.


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