Families Are Great

     I'm typing as fast as I can because I have thirteen minutes to post this before midnight and I refuse to let this posting-after-midnight thing become a trend.
     I don't have a coherent post planned out so I'll just give you tidbits from my day:
     Went to my "regular church" (St. Ann's) for the first time in a few months and it was kind of weird. I mostly just zoned out the whole time.
     Came home and read my book outside and for some reason I glanced up at the sky and there was this perfect circular rainbow surrounding the sun. But when I took my sunglasses off it disappeared. Funny how much you miss that you don't even realize you're missing.
     Then I took a nap (this is also unfortunately becoming a routine...) and we went to my aunt's house for dinner and played a crazy round of Yahtzee (the crazy was due to the fact that my aunt was cussing all over the place and everyone was talking over each other and my uncle was lighting fireworks off in the backyard...). My parents went home early before the game was over because my dad has to get up early for work tomorrow but my brother and I stayed to finish the game (my aunt won, go figure (her quote of the day should have been "Shut the f*ck up" or "There's your four of a kind, f*cker")) and then we drove home. I can't remember the last time it was just my brother and I driving in the car together but it brought back memories of driving to school and how we would never talk but it wasn't awkward or anything. Or if we did talk, it was just me yammering on and him going "Mmhmm" "Uh huh". We listened to some Florence + the Machine which I'm very (pleasantly) surprised he likes.
     And now I'm home.

Quote of the Day: "She wanted to do something daring, something that made her feel like she wasn't this perfectly controlled mess, but a real, messy mess." -Jodi Lynn Anderson, author of Peaches.

Day 918 Song Recommendation: "Ship to Wreck" by Florence + the Machine.
-SE Wagner


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