What Gets In The Way?

It is the beginning of finals week. Yes right now I should be studying for my finals but honestly I think I know most of the information and I just need to relax for a few minutes. I need to write this blog post. This morning in Lang I was once again surrounded by ignorant people who think that Donald Trump is the new Jesus. I listened to the stupid banter and tried to do some homework for my college classes. The whole class was annoying and I kept glancing at the clock and all I could think was, "I could be studying right now. Why did I have to choose a seat where the teacher can blatantly see me?" Needless to say the day went by pretty slow. All I wanted to do was go to the library and study. Of course Monday's are the day I go to the nutritionist. I tried to calculate how long I would be there. Again I thought, "What a waste of time." Then I got to the nutritionist and found out that I gained five pounds. It took everything in me not to burst into tears. I couldn't believe it, I tried to do everything perfect and I still gained five pounds. I felt like a cow surrounded by a bunch of skinny, healthy people. It took my nutritionist about thirty minutes to convince me that a person cannot gain that much fat in one week. That the weight that I gained had to be fluid because that's what a woman's body does when I don't drink enough water and other scientific reasons that we won't get into. She promised me that it would go away in a week or ten days. Still, I felt like crap. We then talked about finals and I went home to exercise, eat dinner and get ready to study. Of course it took longer than I thought and I got frustrated again. I started worrying about every little thing. Things that I can't even help. When I got to my room after a shower I thought about a quote that someone tweeted yesterday and I breathed a sigh of relief.
"Give it to God and go to sleep."
I wanted to throw my hands up in the air and praise God because that seemed like such a God moment. After reading that tweet I glanced over at my bookshelf and saw the devotional that Fiona and I failed to finish. I picked it up and was flipping through it and saw a question that got my attention.
"What gets in the way?"
It was such a broad question and I immediately started thinking about things that get in the way of my daily life. I didn't even think about what gets in the way of my relationship with Christ. Then I thought about God and then another question popped into my head.
"What gets in the way of God? What stops him from doing what he does?"
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It's crazy how in life everything always works out. That's not because of us. That's because of God working in our lives. That's because he won't let anything stop him from making our lives better. That blows my mind sometimes. I can't fathom how much God wants to be with us. I can't wrap my head around how much he does all the time. He is there for all of us and I don't know how he does it. I can only imagine how much he wants to make his children's lives better. He is the strongest person/being in my life. I need to lean on him more in times of stress because when I feel like I cannot go on anymore he is there. He is the real MVP parent. After thinking about all of this I then grabbed my bible and started flipping through it and went to the book of Matthew. I have basically highlighted that entire book. There is so much truth in it.
"So I tell you, don't worry about the food or drink you need to live, or about the clothes you need for your body. Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothes. Look at the birds in the air. They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, but your heavenly father feeds them. And you know that you are worth much more than the birds. You cannot add time to your life by worrying about it?" 
Matthew 6:25-27

Need I say more? Give it to God and go to bed. 



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