20 Bookish Things About Me

This week has been amazing. There really isn't anything better than an unexpected week of no school. I didn't think this would happen but thank God it did. It also makes it really harder to go back. I have read two books and probably more if one of them hadn't been 800 pages. It was fantastic though! I have considered dropping out about fifty times this week and somehow traveling around the world like in those independent films. For some reason I really wanted to post today but I didn't know what to post about. So I thought I would talk about books. Of course. I've loved doing the 25 Facts about me (Really 50) so I thought I would do the book edition. I know I'm going to look back at this and laugh. I'm also watching a Rachel Hollis Live Show right now and am freaking out that she is actually answering my questions.
This should be interesting.

1. I hate paperbacks.

I think everyone secretly hates paperbacks. They damage so easily and I hate letting people borrow paperbacks because no matter what they will somehow, someway come back damaged. I let Fiona borrow Ugly Love and now there is a huge ugly crease on the back and it kills me every time to look at it. It's probably not her fault it just kills me a little inside.

2. I don't like it when animals are in books.

I am not the type of person to hate animals. It just irritates me when there is some kind of animal besides a horse. I don't understand it at all. There is a cat in The Mortal Instruments and it bothers me. I am so weird.

3. I hate the smell of old books.

Some people love the smell but there is something about it that is just revolting to me. It makes me want to throw up. There is nothing endearing about it to me.

5. I secretly love, love triangles

Sometimes I hate them, especially when I don't really know about who the person is going to end up with. That's why Twilight was so fun for me because I knew who Bella was going to end up with because Jacob never had a chance.

6. I love romance novels.

There is nothing better than curling up in a chair on a weekend with a good romance novel. If I read a lot of them in a row then I will go insane.

7. Insta-love is the worst.

Whenever characters fall in love way to quickly I get pissed off. It's not like that in real life and why would you do it in the book. It damages the story as a whole and my experience reading the book.

8. Books bigger than 500 pages terrify me.

Don't they scare everyone?

9. I read in the shower.

I'm not joking, there is a whole process. Don't judge until you try it.

10. I have to listen to something while reading.

Whether that be music or TV I often can't read without it unless I absolutely have too.

11. I can't eat and read.

No matter what it is I can't do it. Trust me I have tried many, many times.

12. I read the ending of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows when I've had a bad day.

I've said this before but it felt important to put in here. There is just something about that ending that makes me feel better.

14. I judge books by their covers.

Everyone does this I just don't think that they admit it. If it's a sucky cover I am probably not going to pick up the book unless someone else says that it's really good.

15. I love reading in the car.

I know that some people get sick but I don't. I know that will probably change one day because my whole family gets sick if they do that.

16, I cry at almost every book I read.

No one is surprised by this.

17, The second Outlander book made me physically sick.

I am not even joking. My heart was beating way to fast as I read that book. It got to the point where I really felt sick to my stomach. I can't believe that happened.

18. 'Make Up Your Own Ending', endings piss me off.

If I wanted to make up my own ending I wouldn't have read the book.

19. I love memoirs.

I have way to many.

20. I don't like reading multiple points of view.

I think Allegiant ruined it for me.



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