Dark Mile

     I ran my mile in the dark today, like DL and MF, but my road is pretty busy so I probably would have been run over if I'd gone on the street, so I just did six laps around our drive way. MF is right-running in the dark does make it feel like you're the only person in the whole world. I thought I would hate it, but it was pretty fun. This whole mile a day thing is seriously the best thing ever. I would never have run a mile every day for the last five days (except yesterday when I walked) if I didn't have three other people holding me accountable. And I know, I know, that's probably a testament to my weak character or whatever and I shouldn't need some dumb Internet hash tag to make me do physical activity. But I love it. Well, to be honest, I always dread it, but as soon as I'm all bundled up and my sneakers are on, I'm ready to go. And when I'm finished, I'm so glad I did it. For the first time today I actually forgot I was trucking along because I just started daydreaming about stuff. It's getting more enjoyable every day. I definitely want to keep doing it past Thanksgiving. It just makes me happier and makes me feel like I accomplished something. And again, I know there are super athletic people who run 50 miles a day who are scoffing at me right now, but this is huge for me!!! I hate running and I'm running every day and liking it! So yay for that and yay for only one more day of school and yay for the ten things I have to do in the next half hour before bed. But I'm so excited!!! Okay, good night.
     Also, this is the blogiversary for me since the 23rd was the first day I posted way back when, but we'll celebrate tomorrow because of Mockingjay Part II. So pumped.

Day 730 Song Recommendation: "Seventeen" by Sjowgren.

-SE Wagner


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