No homework. No after school activities. The joy I am feeling cannot be expressed. I don't even know what to do with myself. This is such a strange sensation. I think maybe I'll learn a new song on the ukulele. Or read my book! Or reply to DL's letter! Or work on college applications! Gosh, the opportunities are endless. I love this. Every day should be like this. But I'd probably get bored really easily. Tomorrow is the Junior/Senior Powderpuff game and I'm excited because we'll miss an hour and a half of school and get to sit outside and talk to our friends and watch our classmates play football (badly). Plus, I don't have any tests and it's FRIDAY! Whoop whoop. It's funny because on Tuesday, I was pretty down and out about just about everything in my life (even though my life is amazing) and was just generally sad and angry and confused and exhausted all at the same time, and now here I am, two days later, excited about life and looking forward to tomorrow. There's a quote by Mary Chapin Carpenter (no idea who that is) that is basically my life (and everyone else's) summed up in two sentences: "Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug." Today's a windshield kind of day after a bug kind of week. It feels nice.
Day 698 Song Recommendation: "First Light" by Racing Glaciers.
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