Commenting On More Contriverstial Topics

First before I get into the real post I would just like to say that Half Christmas was a success. I don't think that I will be eating for the next week.
A lot of things have happened this week and once again I've tried to stay away but when you get on Facebook you can't get away from everything.
The whole thing with the confederate flag is another thing that we are not all going to agree on. It really does depend on how you look at it and I really see both sides of the argument. We can't forget what the flag symbolized and it's awful at the same time it is apart of American history and getting rid of it isn't going to change anything. I really think that we should give people the option.
Now with the Supreme Courts decision about Gay Marriage.
I have been on the fence about gay marriage for years. It seemed like it was making fun of marriage at the same time who am I to say about who someone loves? There are arguments about whether the government should even deal with this issue. I will say that it's not okay to be unfair to someone. To push someone away just because you don't agree with you. I know that's easier said than done because if someone came up to me and said "I hate cops" I don't think I would exactly want to talk to or associate with that person. I'd probably talk about them behind their back and that's not right.
The point is as Christians fighting about this isn't going to make anything better. I feel like we already have our arguments planned. We know the questions that people are going to ask and the answers we are going to give and how can we fight back. We don't turn to God or the bible we just talk about what we think is right and God is pushed to the side. I really wish that we could bring him down here and ask him what he thinks about America and general. I've read so many articles comments and I've seen more often than not what you would expect.
"Obama's going to hell, get him out of office."
"America is falling apart."
"Gays, trans genders etc. are going to hell."
"I'm leaving America."
We're definitely throwing the word hell around a lot.
As if we actually know.
I really believe that God is all loving and saying to someone God is going to damn them and anyone that are like them are going to hell wouldn't exactly want them to change.
It makes God seem like the Devil rather than who he truly is. We need to stop trying to be God and actually be his followers. Not twisting his words it make it fit our agenda whatever that is and preach what he actually said. We wonder why terrible stereotypes exist yet we play a part in creating them. Jesus meant what he said when he said love everyone and yet you don't see that plastered on a picture of Jesus roaming around the internet.
I am not saying that God doesn't punish but I am in no place to say whether a person goes to hell or heaven.
I've made a lot of mistakes in my life and God has seen me through all of them. He didn't say that I was going to hell if I didn't change. He waited, he went through it with me, even when I hated him. I don't think it's different for everyone else.


  1. You never cease to amaze me with your awesome wisdom when it comes to controversial topics!!! :)


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