Chop Chop

     So yesterday was the big day! I chopped off a foot of my hair! Now I seriously feel like I have no hair at all. For your viewing pleasure, I shall include before and after pictures.
Here I am right before going in to get my hair cut. My hair was still a little wet as you can see. 

And here I am after!

     You know, I don't think my hair has ever been this short. Even in fifth grade when I had a short hair cut, it was more of a long bob. This haircut is REALLY REALLY short. It's super cool--my long hair would get sooo hot and if I was sweating it would stick to my neck. Now my hair barely reaches my neck at all. Also, with long hair, I'm such a low maintenance, no-fuss-no-muss kind of girl that I honestly only brushed my hair about once a week, if that. Of course that lead to plenty of rats' nests in my long locks. Now I can run my hand from the top of my head through the whole length (or lack thereof) of my hair without hitting a single snag. I haven't washed my hair yet since I got it cut, but I can imagine that I'll be able to use a quarter of the amount of shampoo I'm used to. I also never used to like to do stuff with my long hair because it took forever and I'm just lazy. But with my short hair, I can pull back the sides really quickly and it looks cute, or I can wear a headband and look like a flapper, It also looks cute if I switch my part up, and part it more to the side, or if I pull my bangs back. I have a feeling I'm going to have way too much fun with this hair cut. Of course, I'm also enough of a girly girl that I'm still a little self conscious about it just because it's so dang short. And I know that's ridiculous because there are lots of girls who get pixie cuts or buzz cuts or things way shorter than this, but like I said, my hair has never been this short before so it's a little new and scary for me. 
     It does feel so nice to just fluff it with my hands though. And when I shake my head it all just falls right back in place. So that's pretty cool. :)



  1. I love your hair so much and can't wait to see it in person and am so jealous that I'm not getting mine hacked off for a while.

  2. Thank you! Can't wait till you chop yours off too!


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