
     Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday. This has been one looong week. I'm looking forward to a nice three day weekend at the bay. It will be lovely. And I'm glad it's supposed to warm up again tomorrow because I am not digging this 54 degree cloudy, rainy weather. Yuck. It's May, not March. Get it together, weather.
     I've noticed that as school has started winding down, clubs and other activities have definitely picked up. I stayed after school Monday, Wednesday, and today and I went in early on Wednesday and I'll be going in early tomorrow. Plus, next week is going to be just as busy, if not busier. I'm giving blood on Tuesday, going to FCA and a refugee talk on Wednesday as well as a sports banquet after school, going to a track party after school Thursday as well as an awards ceremony after school on Thursday. Somewhere in there I will also be presenting the massive Lit project we've been working on since forever. Hopefully I will have time to sleep in between all of that craziness. 

Day 544 Song Recommendation: "Sweetest Thing" by U2. 
-SE Wagner 


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