Things Are Looking Up

     Today was actually a pretty calm day with only one major test, and now I have all of my graded timed writings out of the way until next marking period. I only have one more test before the marking period ends (that I know of. We'll probably have some huge, horrible test in calc that he'll tell us about on Thursday) so that's good. Then I have tons of things to look forward to over break:

  1. Hopefully my new phone will come in the mail on Friday! (My last one died unexpectedly yesterday).
  2. Saturday I'm visiting UMBC and hopefully I'll absolutely love it. Saturday is also when MF is takes her driving test! Good luck; you can do it!
  3. Palm Sunday is on Sunday which means we get little palm frond things in church (so exciting, I know) and also I'm going Easter dress shopping with my grandma.
  4. Monday is AP's birthday party, which should be lots of fun.
  5. Tuesday is AP's actual birthday.
  6. On the 3rd we're leaving to go down to the bay for the weekend.
  7. On the 6th I'm visiting JMU.
     Hopefully the brunt of my Easter break workload will only be the King Lear essay we have to write for Lit and the chapters to read in world history. I'm praying that we don't get some huge, laborious assignment in calc. Even if we do, I'm determined to get it done quickly and not worry about it for the rest of break. 

Day 487 Song Recommendation: "Here Comes the Sun" by The Beatles. The video below isn't a music video. I just thought it was pretty interesting and inspiring. I can't believe that the school would tell an elementary-school age girl that she couldn't come back until she had hair. Who does that?!?! Anyway, watch and enjoy.

I accidentally posted the wrong music video for "My Body" on Sunday, so if you want to hear the actual song I recommended, you can click here. (Thanks for the catch, MF). :)
-SE Wagner


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