Little Things That Make Me Happy

So satisfying.
  1. The scent of a good lip balm.
  2. Putting on clothes fresh out of the dryer.
  3. When a song comes on shuffle that you've been subconsciously pining for and you just feel like dancing.
  4. Speaking of dancing, Bollywood dance breaks make me happy.
  5. Finishing a book. Even if it was terrible.
  6. Nice quality college-ruled paper. You know, the kind that isn't a gross grayish color with the holes that always rip in your binder.
  7. Fresh sheets.
  8. Super clean bathrooms.
  9. Peeling clementines.
  10. When there are no other cars at a four-way intersection.
  11. Cookie dough.
  12. That first click of a new mechanical pencil.
  13. The first day of every new season.
  14. Hearing a new song that you want to go buy immediately.
  15. Sunny mornings.
Day 480 Song Recommendation: "Breakable" by Ingrid Michaelson.

-SE Wagner


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