
     If you haven't already noticed, I've become an incredibly inconsistent blogger. I feel like I have nothing to say anymore besides just complaining about everything because this school year has been so hard. But I don't want to just nag and rant all the time, so it's like I avoid the blog all together in order to avoid falling into a complaining tirade. 
     I hate the feeling of not having something fun and exciting and interesting to blog about. Writing is my favorite thing in the world but it's like I never have time for it anymore. I'm so scared of losing my passion that I have been avoiding it all together, so scared that when I sit down to write, I won't have anything to say. I've been working my butt off in school so I can get into college and major in the thing I love most in the world, but all that hard work is just estranging me from that thing! 
     I don't think people give teenagers near enough credit, because I can tell you from first hand experience that it is an impossible job. I feel like I just plod through one day to get to the wretched next one. My life is consumed by things I hate and time is not on my side. But I refuse to let go of his little blog, because it's one of the few places I can come and say what's on my heart and not worry that it's not good enough. I can't promise that I'll blog every day or that my posts will be enriching all the time, but I just wanted to let you know that even when I go days at a time without blogging, I never go a day without thinking about this blog and being grateful for it. 



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