Exciting Day

     Today has been one of the most eventful Saturdays of my life. I've spent what feels like half the day driving around and even as I sit here typing this I feel like I'm still in a moving vehicle. It's a weird sensation.
The guy I played. Totally nailed it.
     I apologize for not posting yesterday; I went straight from school to AP's house and spent the night, so I didn't get a chance to post yesterday (bad planning on my part). This morning, I had to leave AP's house around 11 to go home, get a shower, eat a quick lunch, and get my "costume" for playing Cassio (AKA Mike) (which was just one of my brother's button-up flannel shirts and a hat) and then I drove to Veteran's Park, where we spent three hours filming literally like barely five minutes of a scene. It took an hour just to get the first twenty second of the scene down. But it was a lot of fun. Although, by the end, I got tired of standing around in the cold, and since I was no longer needed, I just went home. Once I got home, I caught up on my emails and then finished reading and shmooping King Lear, which I actually didn't despise. I felt like it went a lot faster than Hamlet. Then it was time for me to go pick up MF and go to the coffee shop thing at school, which was a fundraiser for the drama club. I had the car in neutral (it's a stick shift) and I waited for MF for like half a minute before I decided that she probably didn't see me pull up, so I put on the parking brake, turned off the car and went inside. MF got changed and then we walked outside and MF goes, "Nice parking job" and I look to where she's pointing and my car is at the very end of her driveway, backed into the bushes, in a ditch. Well, my jaw dropped about a foot and I was like, "I did not park there! It rolled all the way down!" So then we go down and assess the damage (none, luckily. It missed the mailbox by a foot or so) and I get in and try to get out of the ditch, but the one wheel just kept spinning and so MF went inside and got her parents, and bless their souls, they came out and put some blocks of wood under the wheel and I tried it again and it didn't work, so then they got some sandpapery material stuff, like roofing or something, and put it on top of the wood for traction and I tried again, but it still didn't work, so then her dad went and got a car jack and got the wheel up high enough and put a cinder block or something under the wheel and it finally, thank the Lord, worked. Thank goodness someone knew how to use a jack because I would have been completely stuck. After that incident, I think MF's parents' faith in my driving ability went down significantly. But they still let me drive MF to the coffee shop thing, so that's good.
     Meanwhile, poor DL had been sitting in the school parking lot for an hour, going through pictures on her phone, waiting for us to get there. Anyway, we finally did get there, twenty minutes late, and went inside together. At first, we kind of had no idea what to do, but then we got some coffee (which was good, but filled up WAAAYYYY too high) and sat at a table and talked and DL dropped her cake pop in her coffee, and then we went over with QW and her brother and listened to our principal (who literally looks just like Superman; it's weird) and Mr. P, the orchestra teacher, play some songs.
Everyone who played was really good and there were tons of baked goods and they did a good job decorating the library. There was also student photography on display and for sale and it was just really cool. There were a lot of older people and parents there, but also some kids, and it was cool to see some people from school coming out to support the drama club who I wouldn't have thought really cared one way or the other.
     I would definitely do it again, if they have another one. Hopefully they will. I bet they made a lot of money; the turnout was a lot better than I expected.
     The musicians inspired me to take up my ukulele again. I want to start a band now. Hahaha. It would just be so much fun! Even if we're terrible! Okay, maybe it wouldn't be as fun if we're terrible, but still fun! Nothing can be as terrible as my acting ability. Although, I definitely nailed my five lines or so with my nasal-y, sick-sounding voice and depressed expression. It was a stellar cast. If they don't get a 100, I might just cry. I mean, bloopers have to count for something...

Day 476 Song Recommendation: "Linger" by The Cranberries.
Day 477 Song Recommendation: "No Woman, No Cry" by Bob Marley. MF and I were jammin' out to some Bob in the car on the way home tonight.


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