Epic Reads Book Tag

I have been watching Epic Reads for a while now and I have to say that I do love their videos. I have related to every single one of their 'Book Nerd Problems' videos. I am also very glad that they decided to make a book tag.

1. If you could invite one author and one of their fictional characters to tea, who you invite and what you would you serve them?

This is a really lengthy question but I know that I would invite John Green over along with Hazel Grace because as we all know the Fault In Our Stars is my favorite book and it is my life long dream to meet him and have somewhat of a conversation with him. Also I love Hazel and I would really like to talk to her about her life after the end of the Fault In Our Stars. I would give them Pizza because what else are you supposed to give John Green to eat?

2. What Book do you wish the author would write a prequel for?

I'll be honest I am not a big fan of prequels. I like the story as is and I usually don't really care enough to read a previous book because I know what's going to happen. I know this is typical but Harry Potter. I would love to see the Hogwarts through James and Lily's eyes. Up to the point where they are both killed by Voldemort. JK you need to get on that.

3. Name two characters (NOT from the same book) do you think would make a good couple. 

Wow I really can't think of anybody. Though Issac from The Fault In Our Stars would be great fro Brie from Let's get lost. I feel like they would hate each other a little bit but would soon blossom into love. They would be the most unexpected couple but at the same time they would be happy. Hazel and Issac were so tired of people trying to get them together that Issac went on a road trip and found Brie and they fell in love.
John and Adi need to get on that as well.

4. If you ran into your favorite author on the subway and could say only one sentence to them who is it and what would it be?

We all know it's John Green.
I would probably say something along the lines of "Please can we talk for a really long time?"
Yeah that would work out great. I've always dreamed that I would sit next to him on a plane and I would be in the middle and he would have the window seat so he would be somewhat forced to talk to me because where else is he going to go?

5. What book made you a reader and why?

I've said this many times and that is Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. I really struggled to find my taste in books and so I picked really boring books and then I read Twilight and I realized that reading could actually be fun and I understood why people did it for enjoyment.

6.  Incendio! Your bookshelf just caught on fire. What one you book would you save?

I'm picking five because I know I could be really fast.

1. Eleanor And Park
2. Harry Potter Books
3. Twilight books (They have serious sentimental value)
4. The Outsiders
5. Everything I Never Told You

That was random. Yes I know this is more than five books. I don't care.

7. Which dystopian world would you want to live in if you had to choose one? Why?

Probably Divergent. I feel like I could survive that. Hopefully it's before Tris ruins the system and everything goes crazy. Yes it's bad but at the same time you could choose which faction you want and live somewhat peacefully. If it was the Hunger Games I would starve and die. If it was Legend I would probably get an infection, starve and then die. So i'm least likely to die in the Divergent world.

8. What is your most epic read of all time?

Couldn't be a more impossible question to answer.

I don't know why but I'm thinking of the the First Divergent Book.



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