One Year Down and Many More to Come... Happy Birthday, Papersol
went on, that became less and less realistic, so I'm just going to make the same old post I've been making for the last 365 days.
I just want to thank AB and DL for sticking with this blog since day one, and being committed to making great, memorable, heartfelt posts, even when they're feeling down or don't really have the time. This blog is a huge commitment to make, and I think we've had a fantastic first year. We've written about so many things, and grown so much, and learned so many new things about each other, and I am so grateful for it. This blog is a home of sorts, as cheesy as that sounds. If I'm having a bad day, I don't need to let it fester; I can rant about it to no one in particular via Papersol. If something makes me mad, or if I feel passionately about something, or need to get my opinion out there about something, I can do it on here. And if I'm feeling uninspired, I have AB's and DL's posts to get inspired from. I can say with 100% certainty that if this were not a collaborative blog, there would be no one year anniversary to celebrate. I would have gotten dismayed by a lack of followers, I would have lost inspiration and motivation and felt that the whole thing was completely pointless. But as it is, it doesn't matter to me whether we have two followers or two million. Because I know that no matter what, DL and AB are there reading my thoughts, and I'm there reading theirs. I think MF and Cassandra deserve a shout out for being so dedicated to reading the blog, even though I know it can be tedious at times, when none of us have anything to talk about but school or being tired or having nothing to write about. But I hope that despite those posts, you've enjoyed the other posts, and I hope that you keep reading so that you'll be out there in cyberspace when we celebrate our next anniversary.
I have decided that I am going to make the video, but it's not going to happen today.
Day 365 Song Recommendation:"Fluorescent Adolescent" by Arctic Monkeys.
-SE Wagner
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