I Love You...Seriously I Do.

Today was a much better day than yesterday. Maybe I am in such a good mood because of Mockingjay tomorrow. I am also pushing off homework until the weekend which is not a good thing because like I said I will probably see Mockingjay three times this weekend.
I don't think we tell people that we love them enough. I mean we say it really fast before walking out the door and sometimes we don't even mean it. But seriously I love you. I don't know who you are or what you are going through but you are a human being and you deserve to know that you are loved. I don't know why I am going to share this but I just felt the need to. Today there was sort of a weird but wonderful experience. We didn't have Fiona or DL in Latin today and Faizah asked Emma and I to pray with her. I don't know why a Muslim would ask a Christian to pray with them but we did. Everyone probably thought that we were crazy. Even though it was kind of weird I loved it and then we had an amazing time in class. Seriously Faizah could make the most serious person laugh. Emma and I were cracking up the entire time.
That one class changed my entire outlook on the day.
So SE I know it bothers you that you have three B's which you totally shouldn't be because we all know that they will soon become A's because one you are a freaking genius and two because you are very motivated.
DL, I know that this week has sucked for you and right now you probably have this sick feeling in your stomach and you wish that you could be a 'better' person or that you wished you could have done something differently but you can't. Trust me I know how you feel, I've felt that way before. Do yourself a favor and pray. I know it's not what you want to do but sometimes it's what you need to do. God is the best listener. You can't take back what you said or did so you need to let it go. Feeling bad or guilty isn't going to do anything.

And guess what? I love you both.



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