
     You know how in the Fault in Our Stars trailer Hazel says something to the effect of "Nothing's too messed up that can't be fixed with a Peter Gabriel song"? Well, my Peter Gabriel is known as the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Klondike bar. Oh, don't worry, it's just as bad for you as it sounds. But positively irresistible to the taste buds.
     I don't know why I'm talking about Klondike bars. They're just so good.
     But you know what one of my worst pet peeves is? When songs repeat the same lyrics like twenty times in a row. Like the song playing right now. It annoys the poo out of me. I get that perhaps the artist is trying to be creative or whatever, but it comes off as the complete opposite when all I'm hearing are the same five words over and over and over.
     On another subject, today in psych we learned about this theory that people speak forwards and in reverse simultaneously and that the reverse speech reveals our unconscious thoughts and motives. I think that sounds like a bunch of bogus to me, but if it's true, that's very interesting. I wonder what I've said in my backwards speech. Or what people think I've said in my backwards speech. I think all that "backmasking" stuff is a bunch of bogus too. It doesn't sound like anything until you put a caption to it and tell people that's what it sounds like, and then they're like, "Oh, it totally does!". Whatever.
     Well, good night.

Day 339 Song Recommendation: "Change" by Churchill.
-SE Wagner


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