Be True to Your Blog

     You know what I miss? I miss that exciting, exhilarating feeling I used to get when I would come home from school and have an amazing topic idea for a blog post that I just COULD NOT wait to write about. And I'd put in real, legitimate time and effort being witty and smart and thoughtful in my blog post, and I'd actually search the internet for the pictures and videos I wanted, instead of choosing a picture from the first line of Bing Images results, or a video that just happens to be recommended to me on my YouTube page. I used to recommend a new movie every single day (how was that even possible?) and actually keep up with the VaughnDL's Movie Recommendations page that I so lovingly spent like a whole weekend crafting. (I mean seriously, you know how long it took me to format that page, type in every single movie title, make the subtitle graphics, put in the freaking links so that you could check out every. Single. Movie. on the list? It was no small project).
     And now it's been almost a year, which blows my mind, but I feel like all I talk about now is how much I hate school, and how busy I am, and how I'm about to have a mental breakdown. All of which are very true things, but not things anyone actually cares about after the first time I announce them. And if I do have something truly interesting to say, it's like I can't muster up the excitement or interest to write about it in a way that would be entertaining to you guys, the readers. And I feel like because of all that, I'm being very disloyal to anyone who might be a follower of this blog. Like I'm not keeping up my end of the bargain. This blog is all about "decreasing world suck", but how can I decrease world suck if all I do is talk about how much the world sucks?
     And if you haven't read the Welcome! page on this blog before, here's what the "About Our Blog" section says:

Papersol was born, spontaneously, out of the brains of three bored high schoolers (that's us: VaughnDL, SE Wagner, and AB Elizabeth!)Giving you a daily fix of movie reviews, music suggestions, and book rants, Papersol isn't just a blog full of recommendations: we also try our very hardest to write interesting articles for your everyday entertainment. Ranging from the boring to the insanely interesting, from indifferent to quite controversial, Papersol has an incredibly wide variety of post topics, and hopefully this will continue to be true as the blog progresses. Read, enjoy, and Don't Forget To Be Awesome.

     Yet in these past few months, I've done MAYBE fifteen movie recommendations/reviews. My blog posts are not at all varying in topic anymore, and are always boring and indifferent. Heck, I barely even stay true to the "daily" promise! I blog five times a week on a GOOD week.
     And all this stuff that I'm talking about makes me incredibly sad. I don't want this blog to be a bust. I want it to be interesting, entertaining, heartfelt, and not all about me. But right now, it's none of those things, and that needs to change. I wish I could promise you that it would change overnight. That suddenly I would have less grueling homework and therefore have more time to spend on blog posts, and gathering material for posts and movie reviews. But I'm afraid that won't be entirely true, because Junior year for me is right next to impossible. I do promise you, however, to try my best to get back to the original promises I made to this blog. I will try my best to conjure up interesting topics, to seem engaged and happy in my writing, instead of rushed and angry and stressed. I will try my best to be true to Papersol's roots. :)



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