PANIC BUTTON (And My Godsends)
I realized something while playing tennis at our first Unified Tennis match: For the first time in weeks, I spent a prolonged period of time not even thinking about school or homework or the millions of things I had to do. That was a wonderful revelation. But of course, by realizing it, I countered it. Sigh. And then I lost the tie point... I felt really bad, because if it had been just me, I wouldn't have cared that I lost, but I let down my two other team members, and even though they were really good sports about it, I still felt bad.
And then we got to school and I walked down the hill to my car and realized that my keys were not where I usually put them, and so I tore through my entire backpack and my tennis bag, whilst singing the Sh*t Song (it goes something like this: sh*tsh*tsh*tsh*tsh*t) and becoming increasingly panicked. I figured I'd left them in my locker because I'd been flustered that morning by DL giving me a cupcake that MF brought in for her birthday, and by trying to unpack my backpack and put my tennis bag in my locker, and then Mrs. M coming up and asking for a picture of DL and me in our mismatched garb for Spirit Week, and I must have put them in my locker and then forgotten to get them before the match. So then I was panicking because it was after six and I knew that there was only a slim chance I'd be able to get back into the school and my mom was with my granddad and I was like "I'm such a complete ditz" and so I sprinted back up the hill (well, not the whole way; I'm out of shape) and hit the intercom buzzer and prayed that someone would let me in, and then I see two guys at the far end of the hallway and I'm like "SEE ME!
PLEASE SEE ME!" and they did, but they took their jolly time walking to the door, but that's okay because the whole time I was just like, "Thank you Lord, for sending these glorious apparitions to save me from this predicament" and they opened the door for me and I was like "Thank you! I left my keys in my locker! Or at least I hope I did..." and then I went to my locker and WALL-AH! there are my keys, behind the composition notebook I haven't written in since August. I was seriously thanking the Lord for saving me. I mean, what's the likelihood that A) there would be a driver's ed class going on RIGHT THEN and that B) they would be having a break RIGHT THEN and that C) those guys saw me and opened the door???? That's called divine intervention, that's what that is.
And then I got home and... watched a few YouTube videos. Sorry sorry! I just wanted to watch some clips of If I Stay. I guess I like it better in retrospect. And then I had to watch a few interviews of Chloe Grace Moretz and Jamie Blackley (who is British?!?! Who would've known. His mouth totally reminds me of Sam Claflin's mouth though.) and then I found out that Chloe Grace Moretz is only 17 and now I'm really impressed by her acting ability. And then after I watched those videos, I had to watch some pieces and parts of a few music videos. And then I was done. So I cheated, but not toooo badly.
And now, after half-heartedly "completing" my math homework, I need to go reread, annotate, and answer questions about Act III of Hamlet.
Day 304 Song Recommendation: "Elevate" by St. Lucia.
-SE Wagner
Happy 16th, MF! |
And now, after half-heartedly "completing" my math homework, I need to go reread, annotate, and answer questions about Act III of Hamlet.
Day 304 Song Recommendation: "Elevate" by St. Lucia.
-SE Wagner
Teehee, sorry you had a panic attack! And I love Elevate!