Video of the Week: Things Only Siblings Will Understand

     Come Monday, blogging will be the only form of media I'm allowed to partake of. No TV, no movies, no internet. It's going to be pretty awful. I think I can do it, but it won't be fun. Maybe I'll catch up on my reading, and writing and sleeping. That would be beneficial. And maybe I'll spend more time outside actually being active (no promises there). Anyway, I'm weirdly excited about giving up media, but I'm sure that weird excitement will be gone after about...say...a day? Anyway, I am so glad for this three day weekend. My brother is coming home, so I'll get to see him a little bit. SPEAKING OF SIBLINGS! AB loves Buzzfeed videos, and she kind of got me hooked on them too. I love the website too, but the videos are so great, and I saw this one yesterday that reminds me SO much of me and the newb. If you have a sibling that you're close to, I'm sure you can relate to this video as well. And even if you don't, it's still really funny.

Television Recommendation (Coming Soon): The Red Band Society. I've been seeing previews for this new show on TV all the time, and it looks really good. It has the one guy from the movie Prom in it too, so that's cool, and Octavia Spencer from The Help. Anything with her is guaranteed to be good.


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