Nail Polish Rethought

     You will never believe what I did this morning! I slept until 10:30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Granted, I think I'm getting a cold (AGAIN!?!?) but still, it actually felt nice. Especially since I haven't gone to bed til 12:00 the past few nights. It was a welcome luxury, although I'm sure it won't happen again any time soon. As it is, I feel like I lost half my day! In general though, I've been pretty unproductive today. It's raining outside, so I have stayed inside all day, and I'm still in my pajamas, and well, I'm on the computer right now, so obviously that's proof that I haven't gotten anything useful done.
     Monday night is my first driving session, and while I'm nervous, I'm just trying not to think about it. I mean it's no big deal. It's one of those things that everyone just has to put up with, and everyone will eventually get past without too much trouble. Plus, I could take my Mom with me if I wanted too! I don't know if I actually will, but it's just nice to know that that is an option if I want it.
     Anyway, something I've been toying with today is making art with nail polish. I started doing it because I was bored, but it actually turned out pretty cool. I discovered that crackle nail polish looks super awesome on skin, and that nail polish on paper also looks really good. Here's some artful projects made with nail polish:
So cute. :)

Is this not the coolest thing you've ever seen???? And it's painted entirely with nail polish!
I totally want to do this! The nail polish would give it such a nice gleam. 
Yet another great idea.
      It's always cool to discover that something that seems to have only one purpose can actually be utilized in many different ways. I'm excited to try some of these nail polish crafts myself.

YouTube Recommendation: Frankenstein MD. Welp, now that Emma Approved is sadly over, Pemberly Digital has a new series they're working on, called Frankenstein MD. So far, they're only 4 episodes in, but already I am thoroughly enjoying it. I can foresee it being just as good as PD's other fiction based YouTube series, which I'm very glad and excited about. Here's the first episode:



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