
I know that this is a very strange topic but please hear me out. This week has been bad. I'm not depressed or anything I'm just feeling down. It's one of those weeks where you just want to lay on the couch eat popcorn and have a movie marathon. Unfortunately I haven't been able to do any of that because of work and other things. 
Today in church our pastor's husband was preaching. Pastor Bill unfortunately was moved to a church that wasn't
Exactly welcoming and practically forced him into retirement. He just got back from Europe so he's happy. Today he talked about pulling weeds and how much of a hassle it is. Nobody likes it. In fact when I was on the mission trip and on the ground when all of the shingles were picked up there was nothing left to do except go on prayer walks and pull weeds. It was beyond boring. Of course he wasn't just talking physical weeds. Basically we all have weeds. Things that annoy us or bring us down. This can either be a person, a sin or whatever you consider a weed. I definitely have my fair share of weeds. Some I am not able to pull out. You can't complain to your boss telling them to fire someone simply because they are a weed in your life. You yourself might get fired. I can change the sins though. 
I am a complainer and I will normally fight for a long time to get my way. This could be as simple as the radio station in the car. Don't even get me started on that. I am not one of those people who call God when I am freaking out about something. This means that I do miss out.
Okay, I forgot what the whole point of this post was about. I guess that I just wanted a reason to complain about my life. I hope you are having a better day than I am.
Great job AB


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