RIP Hurley's CD Player

What I would have done if it had happened
to me. That's Jack, by the way, the island's
resident doctor. I don't remember what
he's crying about. Surely nothing as tragic
as what happened to Hurley.
     I'm sure everyone who reads this blog is sick and tired of hearing about some TV show from 2004, but I just have to write about this. So in the show "Lost", Hurley is this funny, carefree, go-with-the-flow guy. He's like, the comic relief character, or whatever. Anyway, so he has this CD player (remember, this was 2004) and sometimes at the end of an episode, a tinny song will come on and you'll know it's from Hurley's CD player, and then the song will become untinny like it's not coming from his CD player anymore, and there will be footage of the islanders actually being happy and content for once. The songs are usually really good. And then... episode 17 happens and in the middle of a beautiful song ("Delicate" by Damien Rice. Previously recommended in this post), Hurley's CD player quits. It runs out of batteries. It sounds so realistic when it dies, I was about to check my own headphones to see if they'd come out. But then Hurley looks at his CD player and it all comes crashing down to reality. I swear, the saddest part in all of "Lost" occurs at that moment. Hurley will never be able to listen to his music again. I'm almost getting choked up thinking about it. I mean, that is just plain tragic. Completely unfair. This dude is stranded on a freaking island and he's like, one of the few normal, nice, laid-back people on the island, and all he asks for in return is to be able to listen to his music. And the batteries die. Absurd. Just absurd. I'm sorry Hurley. I would give you batteries if I could. Here's a tribute to Hurley's CD player that I found on YouTube:

     I don't really like the second song that plays ("Are You Sure" by Willie Nelson). I'm just not a huge country music fan, as I've said before. I love the first and third songs though. In fact, I'm going to recommend the first one to you, since I've already recommended the third.

Day 234 Song Recommendation: "Wash Away" by Joe Purdy. If you want to listen to this song, watch the first 2 minutes and 35 seconds of the video above.
-SE Wagner


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