shower, and then driving with my family to the airport. We'll get on a plane, go halfway to where we want to go, wait around for a while, and then get on another plane that will take us all the way to where we want to go! For the next 12 days, I'll be blogging from St. Thomas Island, which is located in the stunningly beautiful Caribbean. (At least, it's stunningly beautiful in all the pictures I've seen.) I'm super duper excited, and I hope I'll be able to post lots of pictures, if technology will cooperate for me.
Packing has been extremely easy due to my limited clothes options. I don't even have to think about what I'll be packing. I did add bathing suits, a hat, and a pair of tennis shoes to my seven clothes, but I daresay those are necessities, and not luxuries. Okay, they are luxuries, but I want to go swimming and I'm not going to do it in my underwear. And I don't want to get blisters when we go hiking. And I would like to keep the sun out of my face because I'm pale and would get a sunburn very easily even if not extremely close to the equator. So there.
I've decked out my suitcase with a few strips of pretty duck tape given to me for my birthday so that my standard black suitcase won't get lost among all of the other standard black suitcases. I actually haven't packed any of my clothes except for my pajamas yet because they're all in the wash or on my body... ah, the inconvenience of wearing seven articles of clothing for 30 days. You know, it's not really much of any inconvenience. It's been more of a relief than a point of stress for me. I'm definitely looking forward to wearing something different come August, though. That's for sure. I don't know if I'll ever wear these seven articles again.
I've decided that whilst on vacation, I'll be bringing my iPad but will only use it for blogging and checking my email once a day. (As I've mentioned before, email is my preferred choice of communication. Also, receiving/sending texts whilst in the Caribbean could potentially cost more than the vacation itself.)
I finished Guns, Germs, and Steel today, which is an enormous source of happiness for me. But I still have to read Brave New World and Great Expectations and do a calculus assignment before August 20th. So much for getting around to all those books I've been meaning to read.
To demonstrate what a joy GGaS has been to read, I'll include here a snippet of a sentence from this gem of a book: "Instead of initially promising mutants whose worthless progeny were consigned to oblivion." I'll give you ten guesses as to guess what that was about. Bet you didn't guess plants. Yes, he was talking about plants. Rubbish, I tell you. Mutant, worthless, pretentious rubbish. And boring as heck. Okay, I've learned a lot, but at the expense of my happiness. Not worth it.
Good day, now.
Day 240 Song Recommendation: "Dream" by Priscilla Ahn.
-SE Wagner
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