The Popularity Tag (SE's Response)

1. Were you popular?
This sounds like an interesting book,
and the author is 15!

No. I don't know where I fall on the popularity chain, but I would guess somewhere middle-ish. I have friends, but not more than I can count on my two hands. I'm shy and I don't play sports, so yeah, that kind of prevents me from being "popular". But the biggest thing preventing me from being "popular" is that I don't want to be. I have lovely, wonderful friends who I wouldn't trade for the world. Why would I change that?
2. Middle school experience?
At the time, I thought I was so above everybody and everything and was probably a really annoying, moody kid. I was probably a jerk. Everyone's a jerk in middle school. We just don't realize it. And since everyone's a jerk, if you're not quite as big a jerk as everyone else, you're considered really nice. So it all works out.
3. High school experience?
High school has been much better than middle school, but I wouldn't say I love it. On the first day of high school, I had last lunch shift, which meant that I was separated from the friends who I had eaten lunch with every day since elementary school, and this was very traumatizing for me. I packed my lunch, so I picked a mostly empty table and sat down. After a few days, I realized I didn't really want to hang out with the people who sat at that table, so I went to another table, and after a day or two I realized they were seniors, so I moved to another table, and I stayed there for a few weeks, until I met AB in my Foundations of Technology class. I say "met", but that's not really true. AB and I had known each other since elementary school, but we, for whatever inexplicable reason, were not very close. However, we started talking in FOT and then she told me to sit with her at the other end of the table I was sitting at at lunch, and we became friends. This was wonderful, since this saved me from being alone in that torturous thing called gym. I'm a hard person to make friends with, so thanks AB for seeing past my facade. ;)
4. What is your most embarrassing school moment?
Okay, yeah, that was pretty fun, but also, now that I think about
it, kind of creepy... like, a whole bunch of little kids staring
at each other under this giant dome thing, and the gym
teacher just circling...
I think this question deserves a three part answer.
Most Embarrassing Elementary School Moment: For some reason, we were playing leap frog in gym one day with a substitute gym teacher, and DL started crying because she couldn't do it, so then I started crying too and the substitute, who was friends with my mom, asked why we were crying. I think that was when I officially swore off physical activity.
Most Embarrassing Middle School Moment: We had just run the mile in gym (why do all of my most embarrassing moments involve gym???) and then we had to go to mentoring, and I was on my period and did not feel good and felt very nauseous and drank too much water (keep in mind that I had not even run the mile all that fast, and yet it was my personal best: 8 minutes and 24 seconds) and so I just sat in mentoring, looking kind of dazed, and I asked the teacher if I could get a drink of water and she told me I didn't look so good and I should go to the bathroom and put cold towels on my face, so I went to the bathroom, peed, washed my hands, washed my face, and was getting ready to leave when I felt really really bad, like I was either going to pass out or puke, and then I leaned over the trash can and puked. I walked out of the bathroom, into the classroom, puke trash can in hand (why, SE, why???), and said, "Um, can I go to the nurse's office?" and some kid was like, "Ewwww!" and my good friend AP started cracking up laughing, and the teacher was like, "Oh, yes, of course" and wrote me a pass.
Most Embarrassing High School Moment: This isn't that embarrassing, but it's recent, so I'll share it. So the bell rang, and it was time for lunch, so I went to the cafeteria and headed for my usual table only to discover... it wasn't there. So I was like, "Okay. That's... okay. Well, I can't be the only one missing my table" so I looked around for other people who sat at my table, but could find no one in distress over their lack of table, so I wandered around for a bit, and then went into the bathroom and absently washed my hands, waiting for Cassandra (sorry, Cassandra, your cover's already been blown on the blog. Contact me if you wish to have an alias) to come out of the lunch line, and when I figured it'd been long enough, I went back into the cafeteria and caught Cassandra coming out of the lunch line, and I was like, "Our table's gone!" and she was like, "What?!" so then I showed her and she went over to another table and was like, "Let's sit here" but then the girl sitting at the table was like, "Someone's sitting there" so we went to another table, but someone was sitting there too, so then we went to a third table and sat down and a few minutes later our friend DS arrived and we had a good laugh.
5. Did you play sports?
I have played many sports in my life, and have disliked them all. I shall compile a list for you:
Oh. He missed. Why was someone video taping/
taking pictures of this? 

Okay, that list was way less extensive than I had thought it'd be... still, the point is that I don't like sports and I'm not good at them.
6. Did you have braces or glasses in school?
I got contacts in 7th grade and didn't wear glasses to school until... this year, I think? Yeah. I was kind of insecure about it for a while, but I've gotten over it. When my brother got braces, I wanted them too, but I didn't really need them. The only reason I would need them was to fix a tiny gap between my front teeth, and I eventually decided that I did not want braces because I didn't want my parents to spend thousands of dollars to fix a little cosmetic thing. Also, I had a couple dreams that I got braces and then got them off and hated my teeth...
7. Are you confident?
No. I wish I could walk into a room of people I don't know and not care what anyone thought of me, but that has never happened, and I don't think it ever will, and I'm okay with that. You don't have to be 100% confident with yourself to be happy or successful. I don't think anyone is 100% confident with 100% of themselves. If they are, congratulations! You really are a specimen.
8. Do you wear make-up?
No. It's expensive and confusing and I'd probably do it all wrong.
9. Are you a nerd, normal, outcast?
I don't like this question. If I'm a nerd or an outcast, am I not normal? Can't I be all three? Or none? Why are there only three options? But, yeah, I'm probably a nerd. 
10. How many best friends do you have?
I feel like I'm going to leave someone out if I give a number, so I'll just say what I said in question one: I have no more best friends than I can count on my two hands, and I think that's perfect. My mom likes to say, "You don't need a lot of friends; just one or two really good ones."

     So that was a lot longer than I thought it'd be.
     I guess I'll share that anecdote I was telling you about. So yesterday on the way home, I had a lemonade, and my brother was chewing gum. I took a sip of lemonade, and bit down on what I thought was a seed or giant piece of pulp, so I extracted it from my mouth with a disgusted face to discover that it was a small, wadded up piece of TJ's gum wrapper. I looked over at him, and he was grinning and laughing like the happiest kid in the whole world. I couldn't help it; I started laughing too. We were both listening to music, so we just sat there, laughing silently until we started crying, and my dad kept looking back at us, like, "What the poo are you doing?" and we just laughed and laughed and laughed.      That was not as good of an anecdote as I thought it'd be. (And that did not sound like a proper English sentence.) By the way, what is the difference between an anecdote and a story? Because I'm pretty sure I just told you a story, not an anecdote; I just like "anecdote" better.

anecdote |ˈanikˌdōt|
a short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person

story 1 |ˈstôrē|
noun ( pl. -ries)
1 an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment
2 an account of past events in someone's life or in the evolution of something

Nope, turns out it really was an anecdote. (On account of being so very amusing and interesting, of course.) 

Day 210 Song Recommendation: "Take a Chance on Me" by ABBA. Okay, so I went to our family iTunes library, as I usually do, for my song recommendation, typed in "popular" to see if I could find a song that tied into the tag, and absolutely nothing showed up, which I take to mean that popularity is meaningless, because anything that has any meaning usually has a song written about it. And we have 13,121 songs in our library. So yeah.
     This is not a music video, but it's a video I can really relate to from my middle school years, and I found it hilarious:

For a daily dose of humor, click: 17 Reasons Why Gym Class Was Actually the Worst
-SE Wagner


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