Putting Books 'Down'/ Thoughts Before Reading: Me, Earl And The Dying Girl

As you can see on the blog I have found a way to put Goodreads on. I am not even joking it took me about an hour of searching and pulling my hair out to actually find out the very simple way of doing it. It is no secret that I love books. I could read all the time if life and society would let me. I am one of those people though that aboslutely hates putting books 'down' meaning when I start a book this usually means that I will suffer through it if I hate it just so I can finish the book. When I told DL this she thought that I was insane because why would I put myself through the pain of finishing it. Here's my answer because it would be more painful for me not to finish the book rather than not. I feel like a complete failure when I don't finish a book. I read the last book that I finished was 'Nineteen Minutes' by Jodi Picoult and I loved it. I had another book by Jodi that I had, had on my shelf that I got in Florida for cheap. The problem is, is that Jodi's novels are so dark and deep that I just can't handle two in a row. I need to read something and laugh, so I put Lone Wolf down and picked up Me, Earl and The Dying Girl. I don't know if this is going to be a funny book or not from what I have heard from the booktube community is that it is a good book. Maybe it will sort of be like the Fault In Our Stars. Please don't hate me if i'm wrong. Also this book is being turned into a movie which is exciting and it's also going to be filmed close to wear DL, SE and I live which is even cooler. Hopefully i'll like the book and I can become an extra on the movie or something. (Yeah right.) The back doesn't really do a good job of explaining what the book is about but I kind of like that.

This is by far one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. I didn't think that I was going to like the video because it just seemed like weird art but I love it. It is absolutely amazing how these people can take something so simple and make it beautiful. 


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