
     I am exceptionally tired. Have you ever been exceptionally tired? I have a feeling MF is exceptionally tired right now as well. I have a painful sunburn as well, on my face and my back. Ouch.
     You know what I was thinking about today? I was thinking about how if your family wasn't your family, if they were just random citizens, you wouldn't even know or be friends with them. Isn't that weird? Like my brother is so different than me that if he weren't my brother, I don't think he'd be the type of person that I'd seek out and hang out with. That, of course, in no way diminishes my love for him now, since of course he is my brother, but if he weren't I doubt we'd even really know one another. It's kind of cool to think that you were just randomly selected to be in a specific family, even if you're very different from them, and as you've grown up you've learned to love and get along with your family members despite your rampant differences. And especially when it comes to parents. I mean, if my Mom and Dad were just strangers, or acquaintances, it's not like I'd feel some special bond to them because they are so similar to me or whatever. A 16 year old girl doesn't just happen to have two 45 year old buddies that they hang out with. So the only way possible that I have grown close to my parents is just that: because they're my parents. I'm so grateful for the random family unit I got plopped into when the stork dropped me off. :) I think that's pretty cool. Not that that little rant made any sense, but, you know. I'm running on empty right now and I just want to take a nap, so have a good day.

YouTuber Recommendation: //Superwoman//. I saw one or two of her videos a while back and enjoyed them, and then SE recommended a video to me that was by her, and it made me remember how funny she is, so I subscribed to her channel. She's super funny. Here's a video about racism that's really hilarious because deep down, it's pretty true.


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