Much is Expected

     Today was a good day. A nice lazy Saturday. Then again, most summer days feel like lazy Saturdays, and that's totally okie dokie. And my awesome father brought home some chicken for supper, so I can actually eat with the family for once!!! 
     Tomorrow at church I have to do the opening, which is like where you do welcome and announcements, and the scripture reading and whatnot. Usually this is an adult's job, AS IT SHOULD BE but I got suckered into doing it because I'm too nice to say no. Urg, I do not want to do it. It's not that I hate public speaking or anything, it's just that I won't be able to enjoy the rest of church if I keep worrying about whether or not I'll mess up, and trying to remember everything I'm supposed to say and yadayadayada. I guess what I'm saying is I hate the responsibility of it. People are always telling me that I have great leadership skills, but I don't even LIKE being a leader, I hate feeling like people depend on me for things. Because then if I can't meet their needs, I'm the one that takes the brunt of it and worries about it. I know, I know, "to whom much is given, much is expected". I am so lucky, and I've been given so much, but I hate that everyone has such high expectations for me. Is it awful to sometimes wish that I hadn't been given so much so that I wouldn't be expected to do so much in return? Yes, probably it is. But I think everyone feels that way from time to time. Like it would be so much easier not to be smart, or not to be healthy, because then people have to help and take care of you, instead of the other way around. Why is it that we think like that though? Because we're human I guess. I can't think of any other explanation.

Movie Recommendation: What to Expect When You're Expecting. I know SE already talked a lot about this movie, but I'm going to recommend it to you as well, because I just watched it, and it was really good. I didn't think I would cry or anything, because it's really not a sad movie, but I did tear up quite a bit (happy tears) when the one couple went to Ethiopia and adopted their son. It was just really touching.


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