Lone Wolf By Jodi Picoult Book Review (Non-Spoiler)

Lone Wolf: 4/5
GoodReads Summary:
Edward Warren, twenty-four, has been living in Thailand for five years, a prodigal son who left his family after an irreparable fight with his father, Luke. But he gets a frantic phone call: His dad lies comatose, gravely injured in the same accident that has also injured his younger sister Cara.

With her father’s chances for recovery dwindling, Cara wants to wait for a miracle. But Edward wants to terminate life support and donate his father’s organs. Is he motivated by altruism, or revenge? And to what lengths will his sister go to stop him from making an irrevocable decision?

Lone Wolf explores the notion of family, and the love, protection and strength it’s meant to offer. But what if the hope that should sustain it, is the very thing that pulls it apart? Another tour de force from Jodi Picoult, Lone Wolf examines the wild and lonely terrain upon which love battles reason.

Once again I am blown away by a Jodi Picoult novel. The ending of this book moved me to tears. The only reason that I didn't give it five stars was because it did feel like the book was moving a little to slowly for me. Thank God I got the audio book for cheap. This book really makes you think what a real family is. Not only do you analyze the Warren family but you analyze the other characters families too. In the beginning of the book I didn't know if the family should turn off life support because there is that chance that Luke might wake up. At the same time could his family really move on if he was just there at the hospital and they were waiting for him to wake up? I felt for Edward more so at the end than the beginning. He turned out to be my favorite character in the end. He was carrying a really heavy burden for so many years and it just had to bubble to the surface whether he liked it or not. As for his sister Cara I didn't really like her at all. In the beginning I felt sorry for her but at the end I was pretty pissed off and done with her. Edward and Cara have one thing in common and they are really impulsive. But Cara acted like a brat most of the story and she wasn't willing to listen to anyone's opinion. Most of Jodi's book have a really shocking plot twist and this book is no exception. You are so involved in the characters that you don't even think about it being a possibility. In the end yes I thought that they should turn off life support. I don't think normally if I heard it on the news or something that I would agree with it. At the same time though I wasn't there and I don't know that families whole situation. I thought a lot about my own family and what would happen if it was one of them and I hoped that I would be strong enough to make the right decision. There was one quote in the book that really touched me and it was this one...
"What if it was you're own brother who was in my father's position?"
"I would say my goodbyes and let go."
 Needless to say by the end of the book I was drowning in a sea of feels.
SE, DL please read this book.


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