The Book Thief...Wow

Wow what an unexpected day off, it's sad that I can get more work done at home rather than at school. Last night I was determined to finish The Book Thief which resulted in going to be around 12:00 rather than 10:00 my body was not ready to wake up this morning. Anyway I did cry, I sort of did know what was going to happen because everyone said that the ending was ridiculously sad. Yes I still cried. One character that I got really attached to was Rudy. I don't know why but I loved that kid. At the end of the book when Liesel found him I just cried. It was one of the most beautiful parts of the book.
"She did more than mouth the word now. "Rudy?" He lay with yellow hair and closed eyes, and the book thief ran toward him and fell down. She dropped the black book. "Rudy," she sobbed. "Wake up," and now as the sky went on heating and showering ash, Liesel was holding Rudy Steiner's by the front. "Rudy please," The tears grappled with her face. "Rudy, please, wake up, goddamn it, wake up, I love you. Come on Rudy Jesse Owens, don't you know I love you, wake up, wake up, wake up...
But nothing cared.

        In disbelief, Liesel buried her head into Rudy's chest. She held his limp body, trying to keep         him from lolling back, until she needed to return him to the butchered ground. She did it 
       Slow, slow. 

       "God Rudy..."
        she leaned down and looked at his lifeless face and Liesel kissed her best friend, Rudy Steiner, soft and true on his lips. He tasted dusty and sweet. He tasted like regret in the shadows of the trees and in the glow of the anarchists suit collection. She kissed him long and soft and when she pulled herself away, she touched his mouth with her fingers. Her hands were trembling, her lips were fleshy, and she leaned in once more, this time losing control and misjudging it. Their teeth collided on the demolished world of himmel street... 

I felt like some of this book was boring at some parts but at the same time it was beautiful. The fact that Death was the narrator is beyond unique I could have never taken on the challenge. It was interesting to see what Death really did in the holocaust and how it felt and the way it looked at Liesel and her family. Overall it was a beautiful book but it will break your heart.


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