Ten Little Questions Tag (SE's Response)

     I completely forgot about doing DL's "Ten Little Questions" tag until I was going through older posts yesterday, but I'm going to do it right now!
1. What YouTuber do you secretly have a crush on?
     It wouldn't be a secret if I told you, now would it?!?! But I'll tell you anyway. I not-so-secretly have a crush on Hank's brain and John's brain, and I very much like Charlie McDonnell and Troye Sivan.
2. If you had a Tardis, like in Doctor Who, how would you use it? 
      I'm sorry, I don't know what this is. <WORLD-WIDE COLLECTIVE INTAKE OF UTTERLY SHOCKED BREATH> But I would use it to educate myself about what a Tardis is. Okay, wait, I Googled it. It's a super fancy time machine. I would use it to... there are so many better things that I could use it for, but I'd like to walk on the moon, so yeah, I'd use it to go back to 1969 and get on Apollo 11. Or maybe I'd use it to go visit Jesus... it's a toss-up.
3. Share a secret that no one else knows. 
     Hm... okay, let me get back to you on that one.
     This was by far the hardest question because I just couldn't think of anything and the thing that I did come up with, DL already knows, but whatever. So when I was in elementary school, my mom's friend and her three kids came over and my mom's friend's daughter was my age and we saw each other occasionally but we weren't that close (I thought she was a bit daft for not knowing Santa wasn't real) and we were upstairs and one of us was standing in the bathroom doorway and really had to pee and we were laughing really hard about something and... I peed my pants. So yeah. I put on my pajamas really early that night. 
4. What did you dream last night? 
     I dreamt about inventing a time machine. (How coincidental with the Tardis question) Or someone else inventing a time machine... I'm not sure. Anyway, the way that I/the other person could tell the time machine was working was that if one of these ordinary, run-of-the-mill chopsticks turned into a pretty, ancient-looking chopstick, I/the other person had figured out a way to time travel. Oh, my pretty brain. I think I was watching too many IMDb trailers.
5. If you could be a character from any film who would you be?

     Skeeter from "The Help". I love her. And her accent. And her clothes. And her glasses. And her typewriter. She's great. 
7. If you ruled the world, what would you do first? 
     Oh goodness. I guess try to end hunger. I mean, there has got to be a way (in the 21st century!) to get food into everyone's mouth on a daily basis. 
8. Sing the last song that was stuck in your head. 
     Haha, when DL and I were over at AB's house we couldn't stop singing the "It's My belly Button Song"... "It's my belly button, belly belly button. It's really really something."
9. Beatbox. 
     Boom chica chica boom wop. 
10. What is something you want to achieve in the future? 
     I think DL said it better than I ever could... Just to be happy, and be content with myself. John Lennon once said, "When I was five years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life." As for the contentment with myself part, E.E. Cummings once said,

     But besides happiness, which I assume everyone wants, I would like to be independent and have a job I love and a family I love and a yellow house with a small garden. I know, so ideal. I would like to travel too. Oh, and live in another state for a while. I'm bad at the whole "pick one" thing. Maybe that's why I like Panera Bread so much...

Day 185 Song Recommendation: "Running With Insanity" by Alcoholic Faith Mission (interesting band name).

-SE Wagner


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