Saving Mr. Banks
I think the reason why I loved this movie so much was because I can be just like Mrs. Travers sometimes. My writing is so special to me that I would hate, hate, hate it if someone tried to change anything about it. I have a specific way that I picture the characters and settings in my head that a lot of people won't understand. But sometimes, if you really want people to understand your work and the meaning behind it, you have to let it go and let people make predictions and assumptions for themselves that you might not always agree with.
This movie is also touching in a bunch of other ways. One of the characters, the cab driver, has a handicapped daughter, and I really resonated with the cab driver because I know what it's like to have a handicapped family member because of my uncle. So when Mrs. Travers gives the cab driver a list of famous people who had handicaps and disabilities and tells him that his daughter can do anything any one else can do, the tears started rolling in. It was my favorite scene, and it's not on YouTube, so you'll have to just watch the movie for yourself in order to see it!!
The whole movie is really amazing, and I'll definitely buy myself a copy when it goes on sale for 5 dollars in the WalMart bin (lol).
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