Gifs R Us

When you don't have anything to say... Gif.
I congratulate this guy for being the most
animated cotton candy eater ever.
So pretty!
How was this not painful?

This was mean, but the little boy's reaction is priceless.
This is creepy because of the dead butterfly in the background....
And I kind of wonder what's wrong with this
person that he/she keeps butterflies as pets and can't be bothered
to clean up the carcasses.

Day 180 Song Recommendation: LOAD ALEADY ITUNES!!!! GRR! There we go. Okay, here we go. Time to find a song. "There Is a Light That Never Goes Out" by The Smiths. Okay, I've never listened to this song until today (a minute ago, to be precise). But it's pretty good, and it's in the elevator scene in "500 Days of Summer" (while it looks good in pieces, I never want to watch the whole movie because I know it has a sh*t ending.)

-SE Wagner 
You're welcome, MF, for putting Joseph Gordon-Levitt's face in one of my posts.


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