Clean Your Room!

     Is your room ever so messy that you kind of just avoid going in there because you know that if you do, it'll just make you cringe? Yeah, well, that's how my room is right now. It's usually really clean and neat, but I haven't been home a lot this weekend, so every time I DID get a chance to be in my room, it was only for a short period of time, and I inevitably just dropped something onto my bed and left, so my whole bed is covered in junk. Anyway, I actually like to clean my room, but only when I have some time to spare, which I kind of don't right now. But I'll have to suck it up and clean my room at some point...
     Here are some tips from yours truly on how to make cleaning your room less sucky.

Listen to music. There's nothing wrong with a little random jamming whilst you harvest dirty laundry from your floor. If you DON'T listen to music when you clean your room, I don't know how you've survived all these years.

Make sure the temperature is comfy. I absolutely cannot clean my room if it's too hot or too cold. If the temperature is not to my liking, I always find excuses to leave my room during the process, and then I don't get anything done. Oscillating fans are your best friend, people.

Organize as you go. Don't just plunge in and wreak havoc. What I always do is make three piles: Belongs in my room, Doesn't belong in my room, Trash. Then, I sort everything that's not in its rightful place into one of those three piles, and then I throw the trash away, put the stuff that doesn't belong in my room wherever it DOES belong, and then focus on the stuff that belongs in my room, but just needs put away. It's pretty effective.

Take your time. Rushing never helps the process along. Set aside a specific time slot for you to clean your room. I like to clean my room best when no one is around, so I usually do it in the morning before anyone else is awake (although I know most people don't wake up before the rest of their family like I do), while the fam is out to town or at work, or in the evenings when everyone has wound down and won't bother me.

Keep it clean! Once you've finished the actual cleaning process, make sure you focus on trying to KEEP your room clean. That way you can avoid the agony of binge cleaning your room again.

Hope these tips helped you out a bit. Now I'm off to clear my bed off.

Movie Recommendation: Sleepover. As dumb as this movie is, it is enjoyable. I remember the first time I saw this movie, I was six years old at my second cousins' house in Kansas, and I thought it was just the greatest movie in the world.



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