How Much Is Too Much?

     I really enjoyed AB's post today, and she's right... I'm not completely on-board with the seven thing. HOWEVER (and it's a big however) I am completely behind the idea of getting rid of excess and trying to live a life with less stuff. I support that idea completely. The question I ask most of God is "Why did you give me everything?" I mean, I truly have everything. I have a good brain, a healthy body, loving family, loving friends, a wonderful home, as much food and water as I could ever want, money to provide me with my every wish and whim, and I am graced with an opportunity-filled future. But WHY? I've done nothing to earn it. My theory is that God either gave this all to me to take it away or He gave it to me to use for the greater good. And if I take it all for granted, if I'm always wanting more, more, more, never satisfied, I have a feeling that some- if not all- of it will be taken away. But if I continue to realize that I have it quite dang good, and if I'm thankful for that, and if I use what I have to give to others, than I might just get to keep it. But how do I begin to do that? I'm allowed to live a comfortable life; that's not a sin. But when does comfort become obscene luxury? Where is the line drawn between luxury and greed? It's confusing to me. I don't know how to answer my own questions. I know that I am not a wholly selfless person. I have a closet and a dresser full of clothes, and there are people very close by that might only have a single outfit to their name. Do I get up and give all of my clothes away? No, I keep them because I like them. Is that greed, or a simple luxury I've been granted? Is the fact that my family has rooms full of food disgusting excess or simply something to be grateful for every day? Where is that line? How much is too much? And how do we begin to self-assess that? How do we determine how much we give to charity and how much we save for Christmas presents, vacations, clothes, dinners out?
     It is a common idea that almost everything is bad in excess. The Internet, in excess, is bad. Fat, in excess, is bad. Sugar, in excess, is bad. But what if I have a few fries and a scoop of ice cream while watching a vlogbrothers video? Is that excess? Or is that perfectly fine? Too many questions, not enough answers, is what I say. 
     And when the time comes for me to embark on this journey of "Seven", hopefully I will keep these questions in mind and strive to answer them to the best of my ability. 

Day 124 Song Recommendation: "You're So Good to Me" by The Beach Boys. Skip to 00:35 if you want to skip all of the false-starts.

-SE Wagner


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