Hailing on Sunday

Maybe I'll have a cup of tea.
     It's an ugly day here in our corner of the world. The sky is the flattest of grays and it's hailing. Majorly. Like, I'm afraid of going outside because of the risk of being pelted by giant hail balls. So I'm sitting inside at the computer, listening to music and attempting to research the Supreme Court case Engel v Vitale and write a two to three page paper on it for government. Isn't is just the stupidest thing when teachers tell you to write a "two to three page" essay or a "one to two paragraph summary"? I mean, who would write more than the minimum? And if you really had more to say than two pages, or one paragraph, wouldn't you just keep writing? It's not like you'd think, "Oh, well, we were only supposed to write two pages. He'd be really mad if I wrote more than that." Needless to say, I'm shooting for two pages, not three.
     Okay, I'm done. And I kind of wrote... two and a half pages. Oops. Here's a segment of my essay from me to you for your boredom: "The Engel v Vitale case occurred in 1962, against the backdrop of the Cold War. Many states in the U.S. were attempting to encourage good citizenry through a variety of programs that promoted patriotism and moral character. This also included, in some cases, the promotion of religion in public schools."
     Now you understand why I was blogging and writing at the same time. I needed to preserve my sanity in some way. I am NEVER being a lawyer. That is probably the biggest thing that taking government has taught me. Not that I wanted to be a lawyer before taking government. You know, I actually like government class, because my teacher is cool, but government itself is boring as poo. And all that legal crap makes me want to asphyxiate on my own drool. Oh my goodness I can't believe I spelled "asphyxiate" right without autocorrect! I deserve a round of applause. Not that autocorrect is all that intelligent. It says that "poo" isn't a word. 
     I'm going to go make some red velvet Oreo brownies.

Day 128 Song Recommendation: "Banana Pancakes" by Jack Johnson. "Can't you see that it's just raining, ain't no need to go outside..."
-SE Wagner


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