Goodbye Max
Today has been one of the, pardon my language shittiest days
of my life. There are a lot of personal problems that I don't really want to
get into. I woke up this morning around the usual time which for me is five AM
in the morning. At 5:01 my Mom comes into my room saying that I need to go see
Max. If you don't know who that is, he is my dog. I went into the living room
and he was breathing hard and couldn't get up. Max was about thirteen years old
which for any dog is a long time to live. I couldn't really do anything but say
goodbye. Everyone was crying, Max has been in my life since I was about three
or four so I honestly don't remember a time in my life when he wasn't there.
Max was seriously the best dog anyone could have ever asked for. He rarely did
anything bad and when he did we were completely shocked. I didn't tell many
people about it because I didn't want to believe that it was real. I just got
dressed, ate breakfast, packed lunch all while watching the crucifixion and
resurrection scene from 'Passion Of Christ'. Don't ask me why I was watching
that it just helped. I was talking to one of my best friends Cole and I just
broke down in the middle of the hallway, so we just stood there as he held me.
It must have strange to the people who didn't know what was going on. I just
went through the extremely long day trying not to cry. I was hoping that we had
Coexist today so I didn't have to come home and find him not there. Again I was
in complete denial and the text messages from Megan and my cousin Jaclyn told
me otherwise. I read a book a few years ago called 'Heaven Is For Real'. The
story is about Colton Burpo whose appendix has burst and has to have an
emergency surgery and nobody knew if he was going to make it. In the surgery
Colton died and literally went to heaven and met Jesus, he saw everything. He
said that pets go to heaven which gives me hope that I will see Max again
someday. Even though today was a really hard day I’m trying to find the good in
it. Swag made me a scarf and I absolutely love it, I refuse to take it off. I seriously
almost started to cry when she gave it to me. Then I realized I was once again
in the middle of a crowded hallway. So now I don’t know what we are going to
do, maybe after a long while we’ll get a great dane. That’s what Max would
want, my parents on the other hand would not. I love and loved everything about
my dog and I seriously doubt that there will be a day where I don’t think about
him. If you have pets, appreciate them they don’t live forever.
This video has really helped me. I have been watching the Shaytards for about three years now and I have enjoyed every single second of it. Their videos have been so honest and real. They are such a good family and I hope to meet them some day. Max is probably running around in heaven with Malachi.
AB I'm so sorry. I love you.