47 Days Makeup Free (After)

It's official today was my last day being make up free. I now took a shower and put some make up on. These past forty days have been amazing. I realized that I wear to much make up and I obsessed over it. I cannot tell you how many times in the morning that I had to stop myself from putting on makeup. I have realized a few other things as well.
  1. Makeup isn't worth it.
  2. No one notices your makeup. 
  3. You are just as beautiful with out it.
  4. It takes a lot of time to do
  5. It is sometimes a waste of money and time
I loved makeup I thought that I needed it to be beautiful and that's not true. Do you know how many makeup commercials there are? To many! It's ridiculous, they constantly lie and tell people that they need it to be beautiful. Of course companies would argue this but we all know it's true. The most disgusting thing about it all is that they get a profit from bringing women down and not loving who they really are. I will be honest I am not a confident person, I don't think that I'm beautiful. I don't think I have ever really told myself that I was a beautiful. Whenever people tell me that I just forget about it or don't believe it. My friend Kelsey told me on the retreat that I was beautiful and that I didn't need makeup because I didn't have anything that I needed to enhance. She even went as far to say that she wished that she looked like me. This was hard to believe because I honestly wished that I looked like her. Makeup had become a crutch to me, I didn't think that it made me look beautiful I just thought it made me look okay or average. I hope that this experience will help me in the future to wear less makeup because I was just as happy without it on.


  1. I've seen this video! It's so cool. :) You ARE beautiful without make up!

  2. You're so beautiful, AB! And that was a really inspiring video.


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